Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gibson to synagogue: Don't menschon it.*

Why this might just be crazy enough to work. Facing foreclosure, Congregation Beth Shalom in Corona, CA has asked Mel Gibson for $500,000 to stay open. You can even read the letter on TMZ. Yup, a Jewish organization is asking noted anti-Semite, homophobe and torture-aficionado Mel Gibson for money. That's like...well it's like something. Is this a screaming blue-faced charge into madness or pure genius?
This. It's exactly like this.
Above: Mel Gibson's people.
Why would Mel Gibson want to help people different from him? The answer is he probably wouldn't. Unless, of course, the request attracted media attention and all eyes were on him. Then Mel 'Money Bags' Gibson would have to help out. That's why this is genius. According to the TMZ article, Mel Gibson's people say that he's completely unaware of the request and hopes things, you know, work out or something, which I'm pretty sure is their way of hoping no one notices this even happened.

This isn't even from a movie, this is
Mel Gibson in line at Safeway.
In that spirit, I propose that we all do everything we can to draw attention to the synagogue's request. Post the link on Facebook, tell our friends whatever. If we ever want to see another Mad Max movie, or Braveheart 2: Electric Boogaloo (do we though?) Mel is going to have to fix his crazy/racist image (of course being less crazy and racist would help too). Besides, $500,000 is nothing to a guy who got millions of Evangelical Christians to pay to watch two hours of torture, blood and cruelty in Aramaic and to bring their kids.

C'mon, it would be win win. Congregation Beth Shalom would stay open and we could watch Lethal Weapon without thinking about what a racist Riggs is in real life. And if it works it might set an awesome precedent of pressuring other jerks into supporting good causes.

Dear Mitt Romney, You've got money and the Gay Men's Chorus
of Columbus, Ohio could use a new bus. Let's talk.


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