Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rick Santorum hates your gayby.

Hey, it turns out that despite the bullshit arguments of Focus on the Family and every Republican Presidential candidate, gays and lesbians make terrific parents after all.
'Suck it Mitt.'
Oh big damn deal. Try doing
that without a hootenanny.
The thing is most straight couples can have kids pretty easily, sometimes without really trying. Not to get all technical on you here but scientifically speaking, it takes a doodle in the hootenanny to make a baby. Since gay couples usually have access to only two of one of these and none of the other, they have to work a bit harder to get a baby. This new study suggests that since gays and lesbians can't simply crank out a kid by accident or without outside help they are often more dedicated parents from the get-go. After all, they had to work so hard to adopt or get a surrogate or build a convincing android child (insert Wikipedia link to Small Wonder*).

Unfortunately you can't just take
them to the pound.

It's the difference between working really hard to save up for your first car and being handed a BMW when you turn 16 (or when you first get laid, it's not a perfect analogy, but go with it anyway). That's not to say that straight parents don't work hard to be good parents, it's just that their statistics are being seriously dragged down by all the people who have children they weren't ready for or didn't want to have in the first place.

In fact, the article points out the only real disadvantage faced by the children of gay parents is that some communities don't consider same-sex couples legitimate. Yeah, the downside to gay parents is the fact that the homophobes who work so tirelessly to rob them of equal rights are such jerks. I wonder if groups like Focus on the Family and the National Organization for Marriage (let's call them FOF and NOM) are aware that they're the social problem they're campaigning against?
'I just can't bear to see kids raised by the people we harass.
Hmm? No, clearly I can't hear myself speak.'
-Jim Daly, irony-proof head of  Focus on the Family
On a side note,

The take away? Sabretooths are
the reason there are gay people. Syence!

Let's talk cave men. I mean, has it occurred to anti-gay marriage people that maybe nature or God or whatever put gay people here for a reason? I'm no anthropologist, but it seems to me that gay people are a great idea from an evolutionary prospective. Primitive humans had an average lifespan of like 25, no penicillin and were under constant threat of sabre-toothed tiger attack. Why in the name of hell would you not want extra parents in your society? Also, there's like tons of un-adopted kids right now. If these FOF and NOM people care so much about kids, why are they so against wide acceptance of gay adoption?

If Victorian England had legalized gay adoption, these orphans could have
been raised with impeccable grooming habits in tastefully decorated homes.
Instead they were forced to stage elaborate musical numbers just to get extra gruel. 
*Wikipedia is off line today to protest SOPA. SOPA is bullshit and must be stopped. Call your Congress person or something!

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