Monday, August 6, 2012

NASA totally just scored, and then tweeted about it.

Despite its fun size budget (compared to the military), NASA just successfully landed a brand-new robotic rover on the surface of Mars. The Red Planet's latest metal overlord is named Curiosity and comes equipped with multi-spectral cameras, an alpha-particle spectrometer and a sassy attitude. Check out the rover's live blog shortly after touchdown:
Gale Crater loves it when you tweet dirty.
$2.5 billion? But everyone knows
life began in 4000 b.c. with two naked
people and a talking snake.
Did NASA just make a joke about boning Mars? Yes, yes they did. And they did it while landing a robot the size of a Prius (a nuclear powered Prius) on another planet, so these guys are rockstars. We should be funding them like NFL players. What's up with our priorities anyway? $1.4 trillion defense budget? No prob. Yet $2.5 billion for a remote-control science lab to explore Mars and possibly unlock the origins of life on Earth is somehow crazy. I have an idea: let's mothball the Predator Drones, sell Alaska back to Russia, give the money to NASA tell them to build us a warp drive. They could do it.

Think of it, we could totally be tweeting dick jokes from Gliese 581c within 10 years.

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