Sunday, August 26, 2012

Deep Thoughts

The Grim Reaper: Personification of
Death, Level 15 Boss and total dick.
Celebrities die in three's, it's just a thing. I mean, sure, maybe we're just seeing connections in blind chance but then again maybe the gods hate even numbers. Who knows? Topping off this week's morbid trilogy of Phyllis Diller and Jerry 'The Count' Nelson, Neil Armstrong has passed away at the totally good run, but still kind of a bummer age of 82. Sometimes you've got to wonder what kind of messed up universe it is when death claims a comedian, a Muppeteer and the first man to walk on the moon all within seven days, but then you remember that death is kind of a bastard.

In addition to being the first guy to bounce around on the lunar surface, Armstrong was by far the classiest of the three Apollo 11 astronauts and he will be missed. Why classiest? Well, Buzz Aldrin appeared in Transformers 3 and Michael Collins (aka the other one) has been screwing people over for years as an impossible Trivial Pursuit question.
Sorry Mike, someone had to fly the ship.

A close second? 1419. Why?
The Defenestrations of Prague.
So I thought of something that kind of blew my mind. Until yesterday, we were all alive at the same time as the first human to walk on the surface of a celestial object that isn't the one we evolved on. Cool right? Keep in mind that humans as a species have been around for 200 million years or so. That's hundreds of thousands of years we could have lived in and we got to share the planet with Neil 'first guy to set foot on the goddamn moon' Armstrong. Could there be a better time to be alive?

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