Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bobby's World(view)

So Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (who despite being a grown man and a Governor still calls himself Bobby) has proposed a school voucher program which would allow parents to send their kids to a private school instead of one of our country's many underfunded, slowly collapsing, dream-crushing public schools. Super, right? No, it's not super at all.
Public School:
"...where your child really is just another brick in the wall."
"Ma'am, it says insufficient funds, do
you have another card you'd like to try?"

I get that the rationale behind voucher programs sort of makes sense, albeit in a Republican, let's privatize the fire department, sort of way. The idea is that they allow parents to have more control over where their kids go to school. Don't like public schools? No prob. Here's a voucher, send your kids anywhere you like. The problem is that the vouchers are paid for out of the education budget, so the public schools get even less.

Also, some of the schools that would be able to accept vouchers under Jindal's program are Bible-based religious institutions meaning your taxes are paying for other people's kids to learn about how the Earth was created on Tuesday in 4000 B.C. and that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs around the Garden of Eden. Awesome.
"I'm not violating the separation of Church and State,
I'm just using State money to pay private schools
to teach kids about Jesus. I call it Reliducation."

-Bobby Jindal, assuming we're idiots
"If Steve has three apples and eats one,
how much does God hate gay people?"

"Why should my kid be forced to attend a public school where they teach evolution instead of Genesis and the answer to a math problem is a number rather than Jesus? "

-Concerned Parent

"Fuck you."
-Woman in labor
The answer, of course, is shut up. Let's face it, the only prerequisite for being a parent is having a functioning reproductive system. It's not exactly an achievement to crank out a couple kids, and people have been doing it for millions of years (or thousands depending on where you went to school). Just because you can reproduce doesn't necessarily mean you know what's best for kids. I know I'm speaking as a child-less shut-in, but since my taxes are paying for your kids either way, you can bloody well hear me out.

Public school is far from perfect, and I get that people want other options, but the crap these schools teach is anti-science, racist and partisan. Holy shit, these kids won't have a chance. Louisiana will be doomed to a generation of Rods and Todds Flanders. If you want to mess up your kids with Creationism and 'end of days' crap, fine, just don't expect the rest of us to pay for it.
"Where do I see myself in 5 years? I suppose getting raptured while the rest of you endure
seven years of Tribulation before God's righteous judgement. Also, I think I'd like to be a VP."

-Nicole, about twenty seconds before Judy from HR ended the interview

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