Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rick Perry dials it back!

I can't believe I missed Pat Robertson calling out the GOP presidential hopefuls for making the Republicans look crazy.
I'm guessing it looked something like this.

Rick 'Mr. Sensative' Perry waving
a gun. Because he's from Texas.
I furthermore can't believe that Rick Perry is apparently listening to him. In sharp defiance of the party's dedication to saying ridiculous bullshit to win the hearts and minds of racists and homophobes, Rick Perry has come out...against allowing the Confederate flag on Texas license plates saying 'we don't need to be opening wounds.' Awfully sensitive coming from a guy who shoots animals for that know, the one with the name. Yeah, there it is.

Good times.

Hey remember these guys? The Sons of Confederate Veterans (yeah, do the math)? They were all about the Missouri license plate commemorating Confederate war criminal Nathaniel Bedford. The SCV argue that the Confederate flag is a symbol of their heritage. Opponents, who now include Rick Perry, argue that it's a symbol of a time when a racist, slave-holding aristocracy waged a war against America and got a few hundred thousand people killed on both sides.

Incidentally, dinosaurs don't
believe in Rick Perry either.

Weirdly enough, Perry is actually kind of right about something. Sure, it's about the outcome of the Civil War, but coming from a guy who doesn't believe in dinosaurs that's a big step. Although in a way, I'm a little disappointed in the Governor. I mean, I like my right-wing nut jobs full-on crazy. When they backpedal like this they lose some of their loony-luster. It would be like this:

p.s. Yup, Grand Moff Tarkin's first name is Wilhuff. I looked it up.

Lady tarkin.jpg
Fun Fact: Wilhuff Tarkin was married to this woman: Thalassa Tarkin. After the Grand Moff's demise on the first Deathstar, the widow Tarkin ran a megonite moss operation to support the Empire's efforts to crush the Rebellion. I learned something new today. Thanks Wookiepedia!

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