Monday, June 29, 2020

Consequences, or something like them.

Have you ever wondered exactly how racist you can be on social media before they kick you off? If you have, what's wrong with you? But if you must know, the answer is very. Especially if you're Donald Trump. But Twitch suspended him today, so chalk one up, right?
"Twitch: Slightly less tolerant of racism
than most other social media platforms."
-Twitch's new slogan
A statement from the President expressing
his outrage at experiencing consequences
for his actions, is expected shortly.
The streaming platform temporarily suspended the President's account today for rebroadcasting some of his greatest hits-that is, some of the rallies he's held over the years wherein he accuses Mexicans, like as a people, of being drug dealers, rapists and murders. No, really. Ok, so why now? Well, Twitch announced a few days ago that they'd be stepping up efforts to shut down hate speech on their platform and when Trump joined Twitch they said he wasn't going to get any special treatment so, it's not like they didn't warn him.

Remember that one? With all the
empty seats? Must have been embarrassing.
One of the examples Twitch specifically pointed to as motivating the suspension was the recent and poorly attended Tulsa rally wherein the President painted a picture of a post 911 world that-no, not post 9/11, post 911. Republicans love to deliberately mischaracterize calls to defund and reform policing as an end to all law enforcement, so Trump made up some bullshit about non-white people murdering your defenseless white wife while you're away on business. You can't make this shit up. Well, he can. Here's an excerpt:

Pictured: a profession that
totally still exists.
"Hey, it's one o'clock in the morning and a very tough, I've used this word on occasion hombre, a very tough hombre is breaking into the window of a young woman whose husband is away as a traveling salesman or whatever he may do. And you call 911, and they say: I'm sorry, this number is no longer working."

-Donald Trump, painting a grim
picture of things to come

But is his story racist? It is. Super-racist in fact. The not so subtle suggestion here is: Thanks to Democrats, this white lady was murdered by brown people. The "very tough hombre" he's been evoking his entire presidency is a sort of white boomer boogey man used to frighten ignorant people into voting for him. But is the fictional woman in this story white? Sure she is. How do I know? I've seen the audience at a Trump rally.
"Goodness! An intruder? But with my husband away traveling
salesman-ing, or whatever he may do, and with all police abolished
by Democrats, who will shoot this very tough hombre?" 
Pictured: some racist shouting
"white power" at a campaign event
validating my broad generalizations.
What? Don't look at me like that. Huh? Am I reading more into this that what's there because it fits my personal narrative of Trump and Republicans being a pack of ignorant racist goons? Could it be that I'm so blinded by my preconceptions and prejudices that I think everything he does and says is motivated out by a desire to pander to the worst elements of the American right? I don't know, maybe? But in my defense, a lot of racists sure seem to show up at his rallies wearing MAGA hats, shouting things like "white power," and kung flu? Just...kung flu.

Ok, well, I'm sure we're all waiting with bated breath for the White House response which will almost certainly accuse Twitch of censorship-which this is not, and violating the First Amendment-which this move doesn't. Until then, let's all bask in the schadenfreude that comes with seeing someone so used to getting away with everything, not get away with something. For once. For a little while anyway.
"Is the President racist? Or is he so un-racist that haters can't even handle it?"
-Kayleigh McEnany 
blowing our minds

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