Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Because he's super religious you guys...

So clearly the dispersal of peaceful protestors by a slow moving cloud of teargas is the bigger issue here, but I also want to know two other things: how dumb does he think Americans are and are they? Dumb I mean?
Although if I were to take a stab at it: very and I guess we'll see. 
I'm confused, is America
great again now?
But you probably want to know two other things. Specifically what am I talking about and "he" who? Well, the who I'm talking about is the President and the what is his climbing out of his bunker yesterday to stroll down the graffiti tagged, smoking remnants of our democracy to get his picture taken holding a Bible in front of a church for reasons. Oh, and his having the capital police shove and tear gas American citizens in the middle of practicing our constitutional right to call him and the country out on our own bullshit.

Well, he hasn't yet, but you know,
it's only a matter of time.
That's obviously the story here, but I also want to know who is this for? Like, what is even the message here? Does he think he's displaying his bravery by hiding behind a phalanx of baton wielding police firing off tear gas and rubber bullets? Because that's not being tough on crime, that's leaning into the abuse of police power that the entire population of the planet is out taking a stand against right now. He might as well lick the floor of the COVID ward-wait, he hasn't done that has he? These things run together after awhile.

Does he not know he's on TV?
Because it looks like he's unclear
on the concept of the news.
In fact, he was telling us how he's an ally of peaceful protestors at exactly the same time as cops were forcibly dispersing crowds and attacking journalists.

"These are acts of domestic terror. The destruction of innocent life, and the spilling of innocent blood is an offense to humanity and a crime against God."

-The President, apparently unaware
of the concept of irony

Huh? How'd this picture of some of the
22 women who have accused Trump of
sexual misconduct get here? Anyway,
tell me more about how religious he is.
And why the church and the Bible? You don't suppose he's trying to appeal to...oh...Yeah. I mean, how little must he or his advisers think of his base that they believe that the empty gesture of Donald "Grab'em by the pussy" Trump clutching a Bible in front of a church is enough to convince them that he's not an inveterate bungler presiding over-if not expediting the collapse of America? What's that? Very little? Yeah, you're probably right. But surely no one would defend this transparent attempt to...to...

Breaking news: in a surprising move, a white
Republican man has leapt to Trump's defense
 More on this situation as it develops...
"[The media is] never going to find any good or positive development in anything. So you can characterize it any way you want, but obviously the President is free to go where we wants and to hold up a Bible if he wants..."

-Senator John Cornyn, on
how we're all idiots

Wait, I just need to be clear on this point: is Senator Cornyn suggesting that the media find a way to spin the President sicking military police on unarmed, peaceful protestors so he can have his picture taken in front of a church in a clear  and insulting move to pander to the religious right?

Because that would be a feat. Also, not their job. Also that would be propaganda. And you know, if they weren't the ones systematically destroying America, I'd almost feel sorry for people like John Cornyn. I mean, going on CNN and saying that this was just the President happening by a church, Bible in hand, and not a cynical attempt to exploit people's faith has got to be, I don't know, nauseating?
"Hey, the President was just holding a Bible in front of what happens to be
a church. If people infer that he's a deeply religious man with a clear vision
for moving the nation forward, there's nothing I can do about it."
-Senator John Cornyn, surrendering
any credibility he may have had left

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