Saturday, October 6, 2018

Welp, so much for that.

So much for what? So much for the chances of some last minute miracle whereby the GOP didn't give a life-time appointment to the Supreme Court to a sex-offender. Sorry, alleged.
I guess we can take some solace in the fact that there's no way Kavanaugh
will get to sit at Ruth Bader Ginsburg's table in the Supreme Court
cafeteria. And he had better hope she doesn't get him for secret santa.
"I'm white, I'm a dude, I mean,
 c'mon, just swear me in already."
In the interests of fairness-to Republican Senators, not to Brett Kavanaugh, I mean, fuck that guy. But with fairness to the people who just put him on the court today, it's true that he wasn't convicted of a crime, just accused. Accused by a credible woman (ok, women) who had no reason to just make shit up and then put herself through all this, but denying him a seat on the Supreme Court just because he might be a violent rapist would be unfair-oh, wait, no it could completely reasonable.

Gonna leave this here...
And some Republicans really did struggle with this decision. A Supreme Court appointment isn't something you want to rush into. You want to delay, and obstruct and say that you're holding things up because you believe in democracy and that the next President should get to make the appointment. Unless there's a Republican in the White House. In that case you'd better get someone, anyone in before the midterms.

And they waited for the F.B.I. to conduct a brief, half-assed, wildly limited investigation to be carried out under restrictions placed upon them by a popular vote-losing gameshow host who himself has had at least twenty-two women accuse him of sexual harassment or assault, and then they declared that the three days the Bureau spent not talking to anyone who knew anything was good enough for them.
"Alright people, listen up: the President's orders are clear. Talk to no one,
read nothing and whatever you do, don't find anything. He wants one copy of our
 report in a locked room in 72 hours. And it better be perfunctory. Ok, let's move.

-The FBI
I'm not saying she didn't make a terrible,
shortsighted decision today, I'm just saying
let's spread the blame around a little.
It's over now, and everyone's furious with Susan Collins and Joe Manchin. Collins of course being a Republican woman who voted 'yes,' and Joe Manchin being a red state Democrat who also voted 'yes.' And sure, it's ok to be upset with them and wonder why say Joe Manchin thought the life long appointment of a tantrum-throwing, entitled frat-dick who might seriously threaten Roe v. Wade was worth hanging on to his seat for a little while longer. But let's not give a pass to the other 48 Republicans who didn't even bother to pretend to not be ok with this.

"Good question. As you can see, many
of us are quite old and out of shape."
-Senate Republicans
But what I don't get is where does the GOP go from here? Do they really think we're just going to be cool with how all of this has gone down? There are protests all over the country, the vote was repeatedly interrupted by people shouting 'shame on you' from the gallery. We're all going to be stuck with the consequences of today's vote for decades and people aren't going to get less angry at the GOP for lining up against women. Do they not see how this will one day bite them in the ass? Like, what's the long game here?

Oh right, they plan to die off gradually and not be around for the consequences of their policies. Cool strategy guys. Really looking forward to spending years undoing the damage. Anyway, to add insult to injury, I'm sure we're going to be treated to a few days Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell patting themselves on the back and clucking their tongues at how rude people are being about this whole ruining America forever thing.
"These protesters are rude and disrespectful! I mean, all we did was ram 
through, by the narrowest of margins, a wildly unpopular, hot-tempered 
alleged sex offender over the strong objections of most Americans."
-The guy who fucked us
 on Merrick Garland

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