Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Men who wear rompers know no fear!

Hey, watching all of this unfold, does anyone else kind of feel like the audience in The Producers during Springtime for Hitler? Except instead of reading the grim reality of our predicament as satire, we're left with the crushing realization that yes, the President's head really is this far up his own ass and for whatever reason a decent portion of the population is not only comfortable with this, but loves him for it.
Pictured: us.
Does he not have handlers? I mean, why
is he allowed to go out unsupervised?
So what particular piece of nonsense slipped out from between his leathery word hole? Oh, and you're going to want to buckle up for this one. Here's what he said reporters outside the White House today:

"It's a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. This is a very difficult time."

-President Trump on the
importance of bros before hoes

Holy shit, right? And before you give anyone the benefit of the doubt here, you should know that no, he was not referring to say, young black men in America who live in constant fear of harassment from law enforcement. Nope, he was referring to the plight of innocent men who are accused of sexual assault. And ok, yes, it's a thing that happens. But according to studies the number of rape cases that are investigated and prove to be false is somewhere between 2-8%
Above: former frat bros are taking a knee
during board meetings as a show of solidarity
with the ones of men falsely accused every year.
"No please, go on about how scary 
it is to be a young man right now..."
-millions of women, sarcastically 
Which, yeah, that is terrible, and false accusations can ruin lives, but that's 2-8% of cases that are actually reported to police. The Department of Justice estimates that only 35% of sexual assault cases are even reported. Now, despite a general decline in the number of sexual assaults in the last twenty-five years, the Department of Justice still reports that a sexual assault occurs in America every 98 seconds. Most of the victims are women and most suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome as a result of their attacks, which also, you know, ruins lives. 

Look, I'm not an expert, I mean, I'm just googling this shit, but I'm going to say it's a much scarier, like mathematically scarier time to be a woman. 
I offer the existence of rompers for men as evidence
that this is a world in which men fear nothing.

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