Saturday, October 27, 2018

Today in this "Bomb" stuff:

I think it's important to take stock and remember the real victims of politically-motivated domestic terrorism: Republicans. Here, I'll let noted Twitter personality and technical President of the United States put things into perspective for us:
Wait, this "Bomb" stuff'? Does he mean the attempted
assassination of his political opponents by his number one fan? 
"What have we done? We call him out
on his bullshit, which is literally our job."
-Don Lemon, of the media
I think the story that gets lost here with all these bomb scares is how this might affect the chances of the party that ran a reality show host in the 2016 election. Sure, he spent his entire campaign and subsequent Presidency emboldening the white nationalists who are now mailing bombs and carrying out mass shootings, but what I think most of us want to know is what has the media done to bring people together? I mean, he's just the President-one that lost the popular vote by a wide margin-but the President, he shouldn't have to bring people together. He's got enough to do.

"What those lying shitheals on CNN
are talking about is how I'm bringing 
people together. Even those low-IQ
libtards who don't get how great I am."
-Trump, building bridges
Like whipping his hyper-partisan supporters into anti-media frenzies at the Kim Jong-Un-ian rallies he holds for himself. Here's what he had to say Wednesday in Wisconsin:

"As part of a lager national effort to bridge our divides and bring people together, the media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories...They've got to stop. Bring people together."

-President Trump, unaware of
the very concept of irony

Above: FBI agents hurriedly covering the
Donald Trump Party Wagon® the alleged
MAGA bomber was living in before
his arrest. Because optics. 
So yeah, let's not forget where the blame truly lies here: with the media. Sure, Donald Trump is routinely referring to them as the 'enemy of the people,' but it's the media that's telling us about it. And ever since the identity of the man arrested in the MAGA Bomber case has been made public, the media has been unfairly suggesting that he's a Trump supporter. But based on what evidence I ask you? His pro-Trump social media accounts full of photos of him at Trump rallies and rants and threats against the same people mailed bombs to? That's the liberal media for you, always trying to score points...

The President is up bright and early every day,
tweeting and going over poll numbers while
Hasselhoffing his morning cheeseburger.
Anyway, the important thing to keep in mind is that the President is trying to bring people together. To heal the divide the media has caused. I mean, look at that tweet again. You're probably wondering how hours before Cesar Sayoc was arrested, the President managed to have poll numbers indicating how media coverage of the mail bombs was damaging the GOP's momentum in the run up to the midterm. But that's just because you're brainwashed by the media. The President has his finger on the pulse.

The unsettling, accelerated pulse and accompanying dizziness right before a heart attack. So yes, he's right: 'Very unfortunate, what is going on." But just remember, by stoking partisan violence and hatred the President is just trying to bring people together.
Hey look, he is bring people together!

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