Thursday, January 3, 2013

VAWA? Wah-wah...

Above: All of us.
Um, just so we're clear, the Violence Against Women Act was there to protect women, and not, as the name might suggest promote violence. I only mention this because House Republicans allowed the bill to die without a vote and I'm left to assume there must have been some kind of mistake here. Right? Like it's all a Three's Company style misunderstanding and we're all Mister Furley? Right? Yeah, thought not.

"Um, right guys? All a big mistake? Maybe you forgot what day it was? Hello? Hey, I'm talking to you!"
"Look, the GOP doesn't hate women,
we just don't give a shit about them."
-Eric Cantor, strutting
Look, I don't want to tell them how to run their batshit anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-everyone who isn't a rich white guy, no girls allowed club, but for real. What's their problem? I mean the bill is designed to help make sure that violent crimes against women are investigated and prosecuted. Well, the GOP seems to feel that the added protections are unfair. Yeah, ok whatever. My theory? The bill, passed all bipartisan-like back in 1994, just turned 18 and now House Republicans, like a bunch of creepy middle aged jerks on, have lost interest in it.

Am I being a jerk here? Maybe, but then I'm not the one who just let the VAWA expire so, you know. Man, like a brand new iPhone with a cracked screen, 2013 is off to a great start.
God. Damnit. 

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