Thursday, December 9, 2021

If nothing else, at least she's on brand.

Oh that Boebert, what a card! In response to Congressperson Massie's hilarious Christmas tweet about how he and his family just can't wait to murder people, Representative Boebert of Colarado posted her own:
They've got his six? Would you turn your back on these people?
Pictured: probably not what
James Madison was talking about.
Boebert, whom you might remember as one of the Congresspeople who was super vocal about her support for the January coup attempt, has long been a supporter of America's favorite lethal hobby. She even owns a gun-themed restaurant in Rifle, Colorado--and no, you can't make this shit up--where the servers carry guns. Because guns. Guuuuuuuuns. What must it be like to live in this paranoid world all the time? I mean, they're so worried about bad guys with guns, why not just wear a bullet-proof vest all the time? Or, I don't know, support reasonable gun-legislation? 

Remember, Jesus said he who lives by
the sword dies by the sword. He didn't
say anything about AR-15's, so go nuts.
Anyway, I suppose in many ways, I can think of nothing more Republican that Boebert's dumb, gross tweet. There's the reckless disregard for basic gun safety, the weird conflation of religion and armed aggression, and a reminder that while Boebert and her family will gladly join Massie in a gun fight, he'll have to secure his own ammo supply. Nothing is free. If you want to shoot someone, you've got to get your own goddamn bullets. No hand-outs here. You've got to give it to Boebert, at least she's on brand.

I'm just kidding of course. You don't have to give her anything, she's clearly a monster and when she's not fomenting an insurrection of ignorant Fox-news watchers, she's busy hurling racial slurs at fellow representatives. This mother of four is tweeting jokes about arming children while four other families are still morning their own kids killed by yet another armed teen. She's the widening empathy gap personified and we can only hope Colorado voters figure it out before even kids die.
Pictured: Everything wrong with America. 

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