Wednesday, December 22, 2021

At least he didn't do a coup.

So I'm not saying that I think Joe Biden is the best President ever. I'm really not. But holy shit people, an approval rating of 44%? I know, I know, the economy, but is our problem with him or with our economic system that rewards rich people for being rich and leaves the rest of us to set up Kickstarters every time we need a kidney? Or did you see that thing with the teachers in the hockey rink? Our economic woes didn't just come out of nowhere in January. 
Pictured: Teachers in South Dakota participating in a "Dash for Cash"
contest in which they crawl around on the ground stuffing bills into their
shirts to pay for school supplies for the amusement of spectators.
(source: America's fucked up priorities)
"Let us not lose sight of the real victims of
slavery: white kids who have to learn about it
in school. I mean, what about their feelings?"
I understand why Republicans don't like him. He is, after all, just another member of the elite liberal cabal who stole the election from Donald Trump and now is using activist judges to promote his socialist agenda of handouts, mandatory gay marriage, and teaching kids that slavery was bad. But what's our beef? The left I mean. Like, I'm frustrated that he hasn't directed the Justice Department to prosecute every lawmaker who was involved in the insurrection, fired Louis DeJoy and canceled student loan debt, but there's only so much a President can do.

Above: the petulant stomp of a man
who represents like 5.5% of Americans
and yet holds the rest of us hostage.
Particularly a Democratic President. Unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party isn't a cult of personality built around one, barely literate real-estate developer. Biden can't just command the party to give him what he wants like Trump did. With Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema refusing to budge on anything because reasons, there's nothing he can do to compel them beyond giving them what they want. Which he did. And they still stomped out of the room. Because they're short-sighted tools of whatever lobbyists they've sold themselves to.  

Pictured: Ruth Bader Ginsberg's replacement
seen here not answering a straightforward
question about Roe V. Wade about a year before
doing exactly what we all knew she would.
The GOP has spent the last year openly dismantling democracy and if we have even a chance of pulling it back from the brink, we're not going to do it by eating our own. Yes, Democrats should absolutely eliminate the filibuster, pass the Voting Rights Act and then appoint four new Supreme Court Justices to cancel out the partisan goons the guy who lost the popular vote got to appoint. But they can't until they have fifty-one votes, and they're not going to have that unless we keep the ones we have and get two more in to drown out Sinema and Manchin. 

So I'm not saying we should all blindly follow Biden the way the Republicans literally idolize noted sexual assault enthusiast Donald Trump. But the left could probably stand to at least feign enthusiasm. At least long enough to do something about voting rights and the Supreme Court. Then we can go back to getting in our own way.
"I'm sending everyone free COVID testing kits. The last guy told you
all to drink bleach. I mean, I should at least be breaking 50%, right?"
-Joe "at least he didn't do a coup" Biden 

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