Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Do it for Ruth.

Which sounds harsh, but in this
analogy Trump is covid-19 so...
To be clear, I'm not trying to tell you how to vote in November...uh, assuming that's still a thing we're allowed to do, more on that in a sec. But I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how to vote in November. Well, suggest, but in that way social distancing and hand washing are suggestions. As in, please do this or people-maybe not you, but people-are literally going to die. That said, I suggest that we all vote for Joe Biden. He's the shelter in place of candidates.

Pictured: a typical billionaire
swimming in obscene wealth.
Yes, I know Bernie Sanders would probably have been a better choice. And I know lot of us are upset about how he dropped out today, and more than a few of us are venting on Facebook about how we're going to write-in Sanders or just not vote at all just to make a point and that's anger talking. And anger is good. Anger is how we're eventually going to get fed up and grab our pitchforks and torches, round up all the billionaires, pick them up by their ankles and redistribute whatever falls out of their pockets. And that's super. I support this. Let's get'em. Viva the revolution. But.

Above: The woman most of us
 voted for, yet is not the President.
We have to remember that Hillary Clinton, despite getting more votes than Donald Trump, is somehow on an extended book tour while the former host of The Apprentice is hoarding relief supplies and doing infomercials for his friends' pharmaceutical companies while the world burns. This is because our screwed up system is designed to make rural states in the 18th century feel appreciated. So not only does Joe Biden need more votes, he needs more better votes.

Rubes: there's not more of them than
there are of us, they just get more votes.
(source: our grim reality)
And that's not going to happen if we're trying to make a point about how the DNC was biased in favor of Biden. Maybe it was, but here we are. What is going to happen is that a bunch of rubes (you heard me, rubes) in electorally OP states are going to fall for it again and we're going to be stuck with Trump again. And I don't think we can take another four years of this. And it's ok to be bummed out and disappointed and frustrated. So let's get it all out of our system now, and then in November elect the shit out of uncle Joe.

Look, if Biden wins we can always vote someone else in in 2024. That's not necessarily going to be the case if Trump wins. I mean, he's actually said he's in favor of making it more difficult for people to vote because when people vote, Republicans lose. So again, I'm not trying to tell you how to vote or how to feel, but for real, let's not screw this up.
If nothing else, do it for Ruth.

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