Thursday, April 2, 2020

The bigger problem is that they're ok with it.

So...then maybe these guys shouldn't be in office, right? I mean, obviously they shouldn't be in office. They're garbage people but-huh? Republicans. No, not all of them but...well, wait, actually yeah. Most of them anyway.
No! Not you Oscar! I'm referring to people who act like
garbage, not muppets who live in it. You''re the best.
If people can vote, you guys might lose?
Yeah, that's...that's how democracy works.
(source: basic civics)
Anyway, what I'm on about is David Ralston, the Speaker of the State House for Georgia who is against plans to mail out absentee ballots during the pandemic. When asked about why he's opposed to you know, the democratic process upon which the Republic is based, he gave some usual Republican nonsense about how the state might have to pay for stamps and then trotted out the long debunked talking point about voter fraud, but then, and this is the best part, he pointed out that it might cost Republicans the election.

Specifically, he referred to comments the President made a couple days ago on Fox News-because of course Fox News. A viewer asked how lawmakers could be prevented from allocating funds for special interests if there's a second stimulus package. I guess because the $500 billion for large corporations isn't a special interest? But whatever.
"When Democrats want it it's socialism, but when Republicans
do it for corporations it's a stimulus. It's a totally different thing."
-Steve Doocey, Fox and Friends
If a living wage, universal healthcare,
and freedom from crippling school
debt is crazy, then crazy me up. 
Anyway, the President gave a long-winded and rambling answer that included this:

"The things they had in there were crazy. They had levels of voting, that if you ever agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again. They had things in there about you know, election days and what you do. All sorts of clawbacks [sic], they had things that were just totally crazy."

-Technically the President, 
saying it like it's a bad thing

"Oh no! They're on to us? Good
thing half of them are idiots."
Yeah, I don't know what a clawback is either, but I'm sure someone will add it to the dictionary so that the President doesn't look like an idiot. So the interpretation that a lot of us have taken away from this is that the President was saying that if voting was made easier for people-say, if they could vote by mail instead of loosing work or having to find a ride-that Republicans would suffer at the ballot box. Which of course they would. We're none of us so cynical as to believe that Republicans actually represent the entire American electorate.

I mean, the GOP base is basically rich people, poor people who think rich Republicans give a shit about them despite all evidence to the contrary and then dumbs who fit both the previous categories. Dumb crosses socio-economic lines.
What? I'm not the one supporting a guy who brags
about his ratings during a national crisis.
"What? I'm just saying what we're
all thinking. That we're frauds."
-David Ralston
So back to Ralston who just openly cited what for most Presidents would have been a catastrophic gaffe, but for Trump is a Tuesday:

"So here, you know...and so a multitude of reasons why vote by mail in my view is not acceptable, the President said it best, this will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia."

-David Ralston, on how voting
cramps the GOP's style

So to be clear, Ralston and the President are totally comfortable with the knowledge that they and their party have no business winning elections and that the biggest threat to their jobs is democracy. Cool. Is it time for the pitchforks and torches or do we wait until after he electoral college wins a second term?
"We actually can't believe people vote for us either, but as long as they
keep doing it, we're going to keep make life miserable for everyone."

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