Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nice telescope Azeem, does Hans Lippershey know you have it?

The moral of the story: The quiet, smart kid
will fucking murder you 'cause he's jealous.
Hey guess what non-believers? We've got Morgan Freeman. Yeah, that's right, Morgan Freeman has joined the ranks of people who have publicly declared their belief in aliens. Whatta ya think of that? Because he's able to read anything and make it sound interesting (honest to god I'd listen to him read John Knowles' A Separate Peace), Freeman hosts a series for the Science Channel (not the SyFy Channel, just to be clear) about space hilariously called "Through the Wormhole." This week's episode asks the question: Are there aliens? At the risk of spoilers, the answer is: Of course there are, what are you, an idiot?

He's always been ahead of his time.
Sometimes 400 years ahead.

Comfortingly, Freeman also takes a moment to remind us that aliens are nothing to worry about, unless of course we piss them off. Here's what he told the Huffington Post:

"Whoever shows up here may be a totally benign force looking for life in the universe...But if we show up someplace and they think of us as hostile, then they may be hostile. And that's another kettle of fish."

-Penguin narrator Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is also SAG's Secretary of Understatement.
Did you think this ran on unleaded?

This is what I've been saying all along (except for the fish part). Aliens aren't out to get us. If they were the violent sociopaths movies make them out to be then they'd still be stuck on their own planet fighting petty wars with themselves over fossil fuels and conceptions of the afterlife. Even if they were warlike, there's no reason to attack our backwards little world. It's not like the Earth has any valuable minerals or compounds that aren't freely available elsewhere. It would be like sending the Army to invade a Hess station in Jakarta instead of going to the Mobil up the street. 

Look, any life form smart enough to build a warp drive or whatever they use to cross the lightyears between stars would have to have evolved past the 'kill you and take your stuff' phase so let's all settle down and welcome the benevolent rule of our galactic overlords. Sound good?

Of course, they'll also have progressed beyond what we earthmen call 'love,'
so it will be up to our doughy-est space captains to teach them. 

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