Saturday, June 4, 2022

Go Sports Team!

Pictured: electoral subversion. 
As I may have mentioned before--frequently and to anyone who will listen--I don't care for sports. Just not my jam. Do the kids still say jam? Who can say? The important thing is that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a petty, small, bully and we can only hope that someday enough people will come to a similar realization and vote him out. Well, ok, more than enough people, because they would still have to turn out in great enough numbers to override the electoral subversion that is the GOP's jam. 

Anyway, the reason I bring up the sports and Ron DeSantis's petty, small, bully-ness is because he took thirty-five million dollars of funding away from a training complex and youth tournament center affiliated with the Tampa Bay Rays because they had the temerity to tweet that gun violence is a bad thing and to donate money to an anti-gun violence group called Everytown for Gun Safety. Those monsters. Here's what they tweeted:
You might also note that the team's logo is in pride colors (gasp!) for
Pride Month, which must also be upsetting to DeSantis' delicate worldview.

Unless if was full of racists...
While DeSantis said: "I don't support giving taxpayer dollars to professional sports stadiums," and why would he lie? I mean, he's a Republican. He wouldn't use tax dollars to save spring breakers on a sinking party boat (what? they like party boats in Florida). Except CNN cited Republican sources who admitted that this was complete nonsense and of course the only reason he broke out the line-item veto pen, was because he just didn't like what the team had to say. 

And to reiterate what the team had to say can be summed up as: Mass shootings are bad, the situation isn't getting any better, we want to do something to help. Which, I mean, is any of that controversial? Oh...right, somehow it is.
"We've tried making guns easier for people to get ahold of, what more can we do?"
Which is ridiculous because the microchip
isn't a tracking device, it just makes you gay.
Not content with going after people who think gun violence is a problem, the LBGTQIA+ Community, the Democrat (sic) Party, and college students who disagree with him, DeSantis also pressured the Special Olympics into dropping their vaccine requirement by threatening them with a twenty-seven million dollar lawsuit. Why? Who knows? I suspect it was because he doesn't want none of those liburl elites putting microchip tracking devices into fine, upstanding Floridians.

Pictured: A Rays player running a
three-pointer into the end zone.
Anyway, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but I now have selected a sports team to be a fan of. A Florida team no less: The Tampa Bay Rays. Incidentally, I want you to know that at this moment, I have no earthly idea what sport this teams plays and am going to look it up now. So, hang tight, I'll be right back...Oh! There a baseball team! And confusingly based in St. Petersburg? Whatever, who cares? I've heard of baseball and now I am a sports fan. Go Rays! I sure hope they beat the other teams and go to the super ball this year.

So to sum up, Ron DeSantis is pro-gun violence, homo and transphobic, against the First Amendment (when it comes to criticisms of himself and the GOP), and is actively helping the spread of COVID-19 more than two and a half years into the pandemic. Have I got all that?
"Um, yeah, what's...what's your point?"
-Governor Ron DeSantis, 
noted supporter of gun-violence

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