Monday, June 27, 2022

Did she though? Did she?

Mean to say "the right to life?" instead of "white life," I mean. I'm referring of course to Congresswoman Mary Miller from Illinois who--huh? Why yes, Republican Congresswoman. Obviously she's a Republican. Who but Republicans need their campaign spokespeople to constantly scramble to explain what their bosses really meant to say every time they say something totally racist. 
"I can assure you, the Great Jabba the Hutt simply misspoke and
what he meant to say was that all lives, including Twi'lek lives, matter."
-Some Protocol Droid 
Above: Miller, with Trump looming in 
the background. Goddamn, that man sure
does love to loom in the background.
Anyway, what Representative Miller said at her campaign rally on Sunday was:

"President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday."

-Rep. Mary Miller (R, duh) thanking Trump
for the egregious curtailing of rights the 
Supreme Court handed down last Friday

It's a somewhat suspect definition
of "patriot" they seem to be using...
And ok, so a couple of things. First, gross. But beyond the shower I need after watching the clip of Miller, I have more questions. For one, what's a MAGA patriot anyway? Like, isn't a patriot just a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies and detractors? And that was just the first definition that came up in a lazy internet search for the word "patriot." I ask because didn't these MAGA people recently try to overthrow the government? That kind of feels like the opposite of patriotism. 

"I didn't sit on Scalia's replacement, I
just stalled until a white man was in office."
-McConnell, assuming we're dumb
Next, Trump happened to win the electoral college vote while Mitch McConnell was sitting on one appointment and happened to be in office when one Justice resigned and another died. Sure, his narrative of white victimhood, incoherence, and history of sexual assault happened to resonate with certain people it's entirely possible some other Republican could have been the forty-sixth President when the GOP's long game to seize the Court finally fell into place. Trump was just the useful idiot. The useful, cheeseburger-in-bed eating, racist idiot.

And the 2022 Sarah Huckabee Sanders
award for pretending to be outraged when
someone calls you on your bullshit goes to...
But whatever, did Miller mean to call this a "victory for white life?" Hard to say. Her campaign says that she meant to say "the right to life" which, ok, if you squint maybe you could see how she might have misspoke. Her spokesperson told NPR that she simply misspoke and went on to say:

"To suggest that she is somehow not committed to defending all life is disgusting."

-Isaiah Wartman, appaled by the assertion 
that a Republican would say something racist

"Hey Nicole, neither of us are doctors, 
and I never said anything about abortion
so why not give my name a rest, huh?"
-Jesus, kind of sick of it
And I mean, is it though? The lives of a lot of women in states where abortion is soon to be unavailable are legitimately in danger because of the ruling that Miller either called a "victory for white life" or "the right to life" so either way, it kind of sounds like she's only interested in defending potential life and not say, actual humans who, until seventy-two hours ago, had a constitutionally protected right to not have medical decisions made by other people's religious objections. Well, Christians. Specifically Christians who interpret Christianity in a particular way that's not necessarily supported by the text of the Bible and who are also, by and large white. 

So what else you got Isaiah? And you know, Miller didn't correct herself, did she? And everyone in attendance applauded, so it kind of sounds like they were all fine with it. Miller also used to like to quote Hitler in her speeches. Hitler. Sure, she apologized, but in that passive voice: if anyone was offended anyone kind of way. So did she mean to say "white life?" I don't know. No one does except her. But if she did, it wouldn't exactly be off-brand.
"What? A hard-right MAGA Republican making a racist comment that
they then insist was misinterpreted by the media? I'm shocked. Shocked!"
-literally no one

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