Thursday, April 21, 2022

Today in tantrums with tax implications:

Look, I don't live in Florida, because if I did, I'd move. I mention this because despite not living in Florida, I have opinions about Florida. You may have noticed.
-Me, pretty much any time 
Florida makes the news
Is it me or is there something a little
North Korea-ish about Disney World?
Anyway, I mention this because one of those opinions is that it's pretty screwed up that Disney has an arrangement where Disney World somehow exists in some kind of weird self-governing business-topia. According to my extensive research of Wikipedia, the Walt Disney company manages it's own infrastructure and emergency services and is immune from land-use bills passed by county and state land-use bills. And other than having to pay property taxes and submit to elevator inspections, Disney World is its own government entity.

Unsurprisingly, it's an arrangement signed into law by a Republican. I mean, it's city run entirely by a corporation. It's the most Republican-y thing that ever Republicaned and yet now it's all coming to an end because of Republicans. 
Disney Worlds Special District Status, American credibility on the world stage,
democracy...a lot of things are coming to an end because of Republicans. 
"I'll ban math books, LGBTQ topics, criticism, 
anything. If you don't understand it, I'll ban it!"
-DeSantis, to his base
The Florida State House and Senate have both passed a bill to end Disney's special status and you might be forgiven for thinking that maybe conservative politicians have finally seen the folly in letting a company run its own fiefdom but no, this has nothing to do with business. Wait, hand on, Republicans? Not caring about money? Impossible! you might say, but no, there's only one thing they love more than money and that's pandering to their base. And the pandering-er the better, even if it means cutting off their tax revenue to spite their dumb, smirking, Trump-worshiping faces.

I wouldn't have thought rejecting those textbooks
would come back to bite them so quickly but...

The move is--and I'm sure when Ron DeSantis signs it, he'll say it's not, but it is--retaliation for Disney's opposition to his Don't Say Gay bill (yes it does) and it's apparently going to cost--according to CNBC--Florida Tax payers one billion--that's billion with a "B" dollars--in bond liability. Which, yeah, I don't know what bond liability is, but I'm pretty sure you don't want a billion dollars of it. That's in addition to the burden of providing services (fire, emergency, et cetera), that Disney is currently providing, but now will be on the county to cough up.

All this because an insecure, angry, Trumplet is butt-hurt that Disney (eventually) sided against him in his bullshit culture war. 
Hey, remember that time he yelled at those kids for wearing masks? God, he's the worst.

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