Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Our Rapid Spiral

Oh, I think I see the problem. The President is a racist and the GOP is a bunch of cowards. Here, let me explain.
Yup, the math checks out.
Yesterday as the House mulled whether or not to call the President's racist comments out as racist, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said:

"I mean, what's it going to take? A white
robe and torches? Because I give it week."
"...the President's comments about our collegues this weekend show that he does not share those American values. These comments from the White House are disgraceful and disgusting and the comments are racist." 

-Nancy Pelosi, being objectively 
correct about this one

Pictured: where they came from.
Which, incidentally does need their help.
She's referring to his racist suggestion that Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley and Omar don't love America because they don't like him and that they should go back where they came from and fix those countries. Which was great because they are all of them Americans and with the exception of Ilhan Omar, born in the U.S. So like, yeah, what he said was undeniably based in his own, racist assumption that non-white people are by definition not American.

And then the House had like an hour long debate about whether or not Pelosi's comments were inappropriate. Wai-what? Because evidently the rules say that House members can't impugn the honor of fellow Congresspeople or a sitting President on the House floor. Holy shit, if only that rule cut both ways, right?
"We don't need to put something in here about the President maintaining a 
 sense of decorum when discussing members of the House, right? I mean it would
take a colossal miscarriage of the electoral system to put in someone so uncouth
and ill-suited to the office of President to need such a regulation, right?"
-The Founding Fathers, not seeing Twitter coming  
Pictured: Conway taking questions
from reporters yesterday.
Anyway, after a party-line vote-because we can't even agree on how openly racist a President should be-Pelosi's comments will stay on the record, and that's super. The President's comments were totally racist, and anyone who says otherwise is a shrieking Ringwraith lying to the nation's collective face. Huh? I didn't say Kellyanne Conway. Who said Kellyanne Conway? If you took my comparison as a slight against Kellyanne Conway, then that's on you. Although she did insist that a reporter disclose his ethnicity after asking her about the President's racist comments.

Anyway, I mention all this because the feigned outrage on the part of Republicans, the insistence that we're all overreacting, and the rationalizations given for his dumb tweets and shitty, thinly-veiled white nationalism are because they're a bunch of cowards. Fancy feckless cowards who can't let themselves admit for even a second that maybe letting Donald Trump hijack their party was the biggest mistake of their lives.
"We're quite happy with the direction all this is going, in
fact, I think we could lean into the open racism some more."
-Mitch McConnell, on America's 
rapid spiral into racist dystopia

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