"Ok, what about the alt-left charging at them. Do they have any semblance of guilt? Let me ask you this, what about the fact that they came charging, that they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs. Do they have any problem? I think they do."
-Holy shit, the President
said this to reporters today
Pictured: The President giving what I'm sure will be remembered
as his, 'Sure, they're Nazis, but are they really all that bad?' speech. |
Above: The scene earlier today. |
Yeah, that's the technical winner of the electoral college and current President Donald Trump leaping to the defense of the white supremacists who marched last Saturday. One of whom murdered a woman in broad daylight. Also, the alt-left he's referring to isn't a thing and the fact that he thinks it is, is I think, a big part of the problem. With America I mean. But let's back up. Those bewildering, enraging remarks from the President were made earlier today at what can only be described as a goat rodeo of a press conference.
It started out being about permits and infrastructure, he had charts and everything. But then came a Q and A which quickly became about the deadly rally in Charlottesville which then settled in to become a shouting match about the President's delayed response.
The remarks were delivered at an audience at
Glorious Leader's Mighty Citadel in New York. |
As everyone knows, President Quick Draw
McTwitterton has always been concerned
about giving measured, careful responses. |
"...because I want to make sure when I make a statement that the statement is correct...I had to see the facts, unlike a lot of reporters (zing!)...It was very important-excuse me, excuse me. It was very important to me to get the facts out correctly...I want to make a statement with knowledge. I wanted to know the facts."
-The President, suddenly
giving a shit about facts
Pictured: The President.
Not pictured: his shit, which
he lost earlier today. |
When a reporter asked about Senator McCain's linking of the white supremacist group from Saturday's march to the alt-right, that's when Trump lost his shit and demanded that we all agree that there are two sides to the incident in Charlottesville which, ok, we do all agree that there were two sides, it's just that one of those sides are fucking Nazis so I'm not sure we care about their point of view here. Sorry, is that rude? Because, and I'm sorry to belabor the point, we're talking about fucking Nazis.
"In fact we do have doubt about just that."
-Most Americans
Anyway, here's some more of what he said-sorry, barked at reporters:
"You look at both sides, I think there's blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it."
-Trump on how we should
sit down and listen to
both sides of the story
Yeah, ok, but one of those sides are white supremacists which brings us to what I think might be the underlying problem here. Yes, it's important to look at both sides of an issue, cool, but it's also important to understand that just because there are two sides, doesn't mean they're both coming from reasonable places or that both sides are equal. It's like when a white guy complains about how there's a Black History Month, but no white history month. He thinks he has a point, but really he's just being an asshole.
Just because white supremacists are rebranding themselves as the alt-right, doesn't mean that there's an equally extremist alt-left out there being just as awful, it just means that racists want to pretend that there's is just another, equally valid view point in the national conversation when really they're just a bunch of fucking Nazis.
Again, and sorry to harp on this, we're talking about
actual, fucking Nazis, literal Nazis. In America. |
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