Friday, February 24, 2012

The Prince of Lies and Waffles

Like they could have come up with
these without selling their souls.
Here's the thing: there is no Devil. I'm not trying to be a dick or tell other people that their beliefs are stupid, but it's just not a thing. At least not in a literal, relevant sense that everyone can be expected to agree with. So when someone who's running for President and whose chances aren't nil starts in with the Prince of Darkness talk I get a little nervous. Like what if this guy is in charge of U.S. foreign policy someday and declares war on Belgium or something because he thinks they're in league with the Lord of Flies?

This is approximately 87% more
likely than the Devil. That's math.
So am I being a jerk when it comes to the religious worldview of 70% of Americans including Rick Santorum? Maybe. But while I can't prove there isn't a Devil, I also can't prove that Santorum isn't some kind of elaborate man-puppet operated by leprechauns or aliens or something. He appears to behave (somewhat) like a human so we accept him at face value. Similarly, since the universe appears to operate on a (somewhat) rational, scientifically explainable level, so as far as public discourse goes shouldn't we be treating claims of devilry with an appropriate level of derision and anti-psychotics?

I like to be respectful of other people's beliefs, but this guy seems to be saying that he's the only thing standing between us and a tangible and malevolent supernatural force orchestrating the downfall of America through the cunning use of gay marriage and free health care. That's certifiably insane, right?

"Curse those social conservatives! Their family values and
supply-side economics have foiled my plans once again!"

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