Monday, August 8, 2022

Today in anhedonic schadenfreude:

Oh...oh yeah...that's the stuff...
I'm doing it again. I'm taking joy in the misery of another and I just want you to know, before you judge me too harshly, that that person is Donald Trump. You see, the FBI has raided Mar-a-Lago, the former sort of president's--what? If you lose the popular by three million votes, you're a sort of president. Anyway, authorities raided Mar-a-Lago in connection with documents from his sort of presidency which he's either stolen or destroyed. 

"How dare law enforcement enter a
white guy's house unannounced!"
-Donald Trump
In a statement on his website, the former star of Home Alone 2 and that Billy Bush tape where the two of them laugh about sexual assault, whinged:

"These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before."

-Donald Trump, surprised 
by his comeuppance

No president ever humped the flag
before either, so a lot of firsts I guess.
So, couple of things: first, dark times for our nation? Sure. Next, I went to public school, so take tis with some salt, but that's way too many commas in a single sentence. Thirdly, FBI raids are kind of to be expected when one absconds with classified documents and keep them in one's resort. And lastly, yes, nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. There are probably instances in which it should have, but no previous president has been quite this combination of corrupt and inept, so here we are. 

At least Nixon had the decency to resign.
After he'd been caught and was facing the
possibility of prison, but still, he resigned. 
The rest of his statement/screed is just him accusing his political enemies of the kind of nonsense he literally build his presidency on. He even hilariously suggests that this was a reverse Watergate and demands to know the difference between Republican operatives breaking into DNC headquarters to copy documents and tap phones and the FBI executing a legal search warrant as part of a larger investigation into a corrupt former president. Which, I'm not a lawyer but one was a crime and the other was an investigation into crime, so...

Anyway, I do feel bad. For enjoying this I mean. But mostly I'm afraid to feel like something is maybe going our way. There was the Kansas ballot measure, and then Alex Jones's massive judgement, and then the climate bill, and mostly I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. A war with China, or maybe some other, even worse pox. Who knows? But for now, I guess I'll just be cautiously optimistic that maybe, just maybe someone responsible for so much misery and human suffering might actually see a whiff of a hint of consequences. 
What? What's so funny? Uh--oh, right, that thing I
just said. About the consequences. Yeah, I know...

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