Sunday, November 1, 2020

In further goonery:

Above: some small men, seen
here making themselves feel big.
Again with the pickup trucks? I mean no offense to people who drive pickup trucks, but there seems to be a disproportionate number of Trump people who do, and I mean, they can't all be contractors, right? Like, some of these people are just trying to fill some void in their lives or compensate for their shortcomings. Anyway, in today's shitty, anti-democratic move by Trump supporters, a caravan of be-pickuptrucked goons tried to run the Biden/Harris campaign bus of the road in Texas prompting the campaign to cancel some events in Austin. 

What is it they find so appealing?
Is it his inept leadership? History of
committing sexual assault? What?
The goons, because there is no other word--well, assholes, but I'm above that kind of language*--were armed and surrounded the bus in order to slow it down and try to force it off the road. According to one witness, they even went so far as to block traffic and even ram some of the volunteers' vehicles. Because that's how they roll: heavily armed and willing to commit crimes, actual crimes to ensure the victory of the reality TV star to whom they've for some reason pledged their very lives.

The President immediately took to social media to condemn the actions of his supporters and demand an end to their threats and harassment of-yeah, I'm kidding. He actually tweeted out his approval along with video of the incident:

The President of the United States everybody...
"Anyone who tries to run you off the road,
probably isn't your friend-sorry, they didn't train
us in how to respond to attempted murder, so..."
-Bill Russo, doing the best he can 
For their part, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign fired back a tweet about how the Trump campaign's complete lack of planning left supporters standing in the cold for hours twice over the last week but weirdly didn't also mention the two recent instances of fans passing out from heat exhaustion at rallies in Tampa, Florida and Gastonia North Carolina. And that's fine. I'm glad they responded, but poking them about not having enough busses handy seems to kind of pale in comparison to threatening the lives of his opponents' staff. Kind of wish they called them out a with a little more, you know, fire?

If the last three and a half years have taught
us anything, it's that consequences are for poors.
So I guess what I want to know is how come he gets to run on a platform of law and order while at the same time handing out the social media equivalent of high-fives to a bunch of assho-goons who just recklessly endangered campaign staff, volunteers, themselves, and any number off other people on the highway? Because in addition to being completely incompatible with democracy, voter intimidation is a crime. Like an actual crime. So how 'bout some charges filed against the drivers in question? Or at least some suspended licenses? 

Or better yet, how about a stunning electoral defeat for the guy that's not only comfortable with, but who's straight up applauding, goons who threaten to kill people on his behalf? 
Pictured: a bus bearing the slogan "Battle for the Soul of the Nation"
having threats hurled at it from a hearse full of Trump supporter.
Not pictured: a full appreciation of the irony.

*I'm actually not.

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