Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Well, at least he's on brand...

In a move surprising to no one, Donald Trump yesterday leapt to the defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen MAGA goon who crossed state lines and murdered two people and wounded a third as they exercised their First Amendment right to protest.
"He did? I'm shocked, simply shocked!"
-Literally no one in America
At a press conference he was asked to comment on Rittenhouse and maybe come out in support of Americans not murdering each other in the street and he had this to say:

Pictured: Donald Trump leaping to the
defense of a white supremacist who
murdered protestors on camera.
Not pictured: Republican outrage.
"That was in interesting situation. You saw the same tape as I saw and he was trying to get away from them I guess it looks like. He fell and then they very violently attacked him and it was something we're looking at right now and it's under investigation. But I guess he was in very big trouble-he would have been-I-he probably would have been killed."

-Donald Trump, big fan 
of murder, yuge fan

Pictured: the real victim here.
(source: white supremacy)
Which, cool, yes, we all saw the same-ugh-tape he did. And yes, it does look like he was trying to get away. He was trying to get away, because he'd shown up to a peaceful protest armed with an illegal gun and some of the protestors, unarmed protestors, tried to wrestle him to the ground because the police were doing nothing, even after he opened fire. And yes, he was, and is, in very big trouble, but as to whether or not he "probably would have been killed", did he miss the part about the victims being unarmed? Because they were.

Above: cops shoving an old man to the
ground thanks to Joe Biden...somehow.
So an excellent question here is why? Like, what's the political math on this? Welp, I think two things. First, as society crumbles around us, someone on the campaign team has decided that the only way out of the hole is to dig, so they're leaning into the violence they incite and are trying to pin it on Joe Biden who's not, you know, the President. And you might wonder if America is dumb enough to fall for it and I would direct your attention to the millions who looked at Donald "Grab 'em by the Pussy" Trump and said: that's our guy.

Sure he showed up to a MAGA rally, but
does Trump know the kid isn't old enough
to vote? Or carry a semi-automatic weapon?
The second reason is that despite the bluster, he's actually a tiny, insecure man who was holding rallies for himself long before campaign season began because he feeds on the rabid-foam adulation of dumbs and racists. Don't believe me? When asked about QAnon, the increasingly less fringe-y right wing group of conspiracy theorists, he combined his twin character traits of ignorance and desperation for acceptance saying: "I don't know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate..."

Which is the Trumpiest thing he could have possibly said. Or at least it was until he got up in front of a press conference and tried to spin a seventeen-year old fan shooting unarmed protestors as self-defense.
What I'm saying is that the protestors aren't the
ones pointing semi-automatic rifles at the protestors. 

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