Sunday, October 13, 2019

Today in pretend lawsuits:

Whoa! Did you see that? How the President totally turned the tables on Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff? Yeah, he's going to sue them for...uh...something? Being mean to him? Doesn't matter because  "...what they're doing is a terrible thing for our country." Oh, and if it doesn't work, impeach them. Which, cool, you can't actually impeach a member of congress but cool.
Let's see: We the blah blah blah, perfect union blah...nope, can't
impeach a member of congress. Huh, but you can totally impeach
a President for violating the emoluments clause. Interesting...
Oh, so it's like that time The Riddler
sued Batman for foiling his schemes
and sending him to prison. 
Anyway, he's threatening to sue Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. That's what he told everyone at the ironically named Values Voters Summit to the raucous applause of people with no deep understanding of how the law works. I mean, you're probably wondering exactly what he'd be suing them for and that's a valid question because you're a reasonable, attractive person with a healthy interest in the American political system. And the answer is because they're looking into the many crimes he's committed.

We'll understand he's wasting the court's
time in an effort to divert attention away
from the investigation into his crimes.
Which isn't at all how the law works but that's the beauty of it because, according to Trump:

"I actually told my lawyer, I said sue him anyway. He's (Schiff) got immunity, but they can't mean immunity for that. I said even if we lose, the American public will understand."

-Donald Trump, on 
how we'll understand

So to sum up, Trump's plan here is to sue members of congress over their investigations into his abuse of power, which is literally their job, and not something he can sue over and also, isn't he the one violating all kinds of laws and statutes? But failing that, he'd like to impeach sitting members of congress instead which isn't a thing he can do anyway. But it's ok because we'll understand. 
"I don't know what to tell you, most of us voted for Hillary Clinton."
-Nancy Pelosi, future 
defendant in a pretend lawsuit 
brought by a flailing lunatic

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