Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I think we'd all like to reclaim our time...

Better sit down for this. I don't know if you heard, but did you know that Micheal Cohen lied to Congress? And that he's going to jail for it? I mention this in case you didn't catch it the nine or ten times Republicans on the hearing committee repeated it. So Micheal Cohen has maybe not been the the most upstanding guy. In fact, I daresay he's behaved downright criminally. Which, if you haven't heard, has lead to his going to jail.
"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth for realsies this time. Pinky swear."

-Micheal Cohen, earlier today

Maybe if he didn't commit so many
crimes, Congress wouldn't have to
waste time investigating them.
The whole first half of the day (I think they're back in session now, but I fold) has been kind of a shit show. Democrats keep asking questions about all the illegal things Cohen and Donald Trump have done, hoping in vain that someone, somewhere will looked shocked at the idea that maybe Donald Trump isn't on the up and up. Meanwhile, Republicans have been expressing their outrage at what a big waste of time this all is and how Congress has more important things to do than looking into crimes committed by the President.

Which, do they? Have better things to do I mean. Obviously they have other important things to do, but the President paying hush money, lying about his business dealings and contacts and maybe even being beholden to a foreign government seems, I don't know, important? And in fact, isn't looking into this literally Congress' job?
"Uh...nyet, don't worry about it."
-The guy who picked our President for us
"If only someone saw this coming..."
-The woman most of us voted for
Maybe I'm biased (I'm definitely biased), but I'm pretty ready to believe what he's saying about the President's alleged crimes. Like, it all sounds like the kind of shit he (or say, a mob boss) would do, and while I don't blame people for being suspicious of Cohen's motivations, I do blame people for pretending that Trump's given us any reason to believe anything he's ever said. He made up that shit about Obama's birth certificate, he made up three million illegal voters to explain away his loss of the popular vote and just the other day he claimed to have invented the Fourth of July.

Look, again, I freely admit my bias here. And yeah, today has been full of partisan grandstanding and preaching to both parties' respective choirs. But with all the GOP committee members bloviating about how sleazy Micheal Cohen is, and what a liar he is and how going to jail he is, is it weird that they all seem to have forgotten that he spent a decade lawyering for Trump?
"Ladies and gentleman of the committee, Micheal Cohen is a liar and a cheat.
I ask you, why are we wasting our time listening to him? Only a complete fool
or a
crook would even associate himself with this sleaze..."
-Representative Jim Jordan,
talking about the President's
friend and lawyer of ten years

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