Tuesday, January 15, 2019

To Boldly Yeoh!

First of all, sorry about the title. It turns out I'm not better than that. But moving on: So hot on the heels of last week's announcement that Star Trek 4 isn't going to happen, CBS has just made the Georgiou show a real thing that is going to happen.
Because we, as a society, were desperately low on Star Trek shows.
That throbbing sensation? That's your
positronic relays suffering a cascade
overload. Just try not to think about it.
What the hell am I talking about? Well, read Sunday's post first, it'll help. Back? Cool. This new series-well, this new, new, new series will be like the third new Star Trek series announced since Discovery started in late 2017. In further complications, the Georgiou show will be a spin-off of a prequel spin-off which is itself a sequel to the prequel to the original series. Still with me? Of course not. It doesn't matter. The important thing to remember is: new Star Trek show.

"No, I haven't seen Bandersnatch yet,
now shut the fuck up before I end you."

-America: we love 
guns and hate spoilers
So what's it about? Well, I'm glad I pretended you asked. But since we live in a content-hungry culture obsessed with spoiler avoidance, I should warn you first that explaining who this character is and what this show is about and where it fits in the the greater Star Trek milieu is super-complicated and will involve details about Discovery season one. So, if you've seen it already or don't care about such things, buckle up them spoiler belts because I'm about to spoil the shit out of it. Otherwise, bail out now. Still there?

Ok, Captain Georgiou, played by action movie star Michelle Yeoh, as you may recall, was murdered and eaten by Klingons like two episodes in. But because Star Trek, Yeoh returned later in the season as her character's evil, mirror universe doppelganger.
Here's evil Georgiou kicking Jason Isaacs' Captain Lorca (also evil) in the face.
While he's behind her. Did I mention that Michelle Yeoh is 56 years old?
Well, squeaky-clean to a point. I mean,
the holodeck is basically there for the
crew to have sex with pretend people.
Emperor Georgiou was the ruler of the mirror universe humans, but got overthrown and then wound up in the non-evil prime universe where, according to a deleted scene (which is canon, because yes it is, shut up), she's recruited by Section 31...which also bears some explanation. Section 31 is this sort of secret, unsanctioned, black-ops organization that exists within Starfleet. The series will follow Agent Evil Georgiou (probably not the name they'll go with) as she carries out shady shenanigans in the name of the otherwise squeaky-clean Federation.

Which, yes, I may have recently (like a day ago) lamented that maybe there are too many Treks happening all at once, but I'm going to give this one a pass. Michelle Yeoh is great, Evil Georgiou is campy fun I love the idea of spy craft in space. But for real, after this, Discovery, the Picard show and the cartoon please, please, give it a rest.
Coming this fall to CBS All Access:
Star Trek: The Young Guinan Chronicles!

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