Friday, April 13, 2018

Heck yeah!

Look, I know it's not going to happen, you know it's not going to happen, even Congressperson Denny Heck who said it to Don Lemon last night on CNN Tonight knows it's not going to happen, still though.
Representative Heck, seen here cosplaying as Nathan Lane,
went on Don Lemon's show to discuss the political shitshow.
This cactus is also manifestly unfit
to be President, and you wouldn't
think we'd get to a place where we'd
have to say it...but here we are.
Huh? What's not going to happen? Oh, sorry. When asked by Lemon he believed that the Republicans are moving towards firing Rod Rosenstein as part of an effort to undermine Mueller's inquiry into Russian interference in the election-you know, because that's what innocent people do-Heck responded with:

"I fear that that is what it's about and indeed that we are continuing to inch toward the constitutional crisis. Don it gives me absolutely no joy, no psychic gratification whatsoever to say this: I think Donald Trump is manifestly unfit to be Presidient of the United States."

-Denny Heck, not being wrong

"He had much higher approval ratings as a host on The Apprentice than he does as President. He's not well suited for this job, and I wish he'd have a conversation with his god and with himself and with his family about whether or not we all would be better served, frankly if he would just resign."

-Heck, with a sick burn about The Apprentice
Pictured: The President leading his advisors in a prayer to himself.
(source: unmitigated narcism)
Denny Heck, Congressmen from
Washington and goddamn fortune teller.
Yes please. We'd be happier, his family would be happier, he'd be happier. Everyone would be happier. Heck went on:

"Because this isn't going anywhere good. This has been going on fifteen months. The truth of the matter is with the raid on the Cohen offices, the fact of the matter is that this is going to accumulate and this is rapidly becoming a question of if a crime has been committed but how many crimes were committed."

Above: the look of stunned incredulity
permanently emblazoned on April Ryan's face
since reporting on the Trump administration.
Obviously Heck isn't the first person to point out that the President should probably just quit while he's-well, not ahead, but not in handcuffs either. Earlier this week April Ryan from CNN asked Press Secretary Sanders if Trump had considered resigning. A completely reasonable question given that his presidency has been a ceaseless parade of scandal and incompetence, and one to which Sanders replied: "No he has not, and it's an absolutely ridiculous question." Which, no it's not at all ridiculous, it's just that we past reasonable a year and a half ago. Speaking of, now Ryan is the target of death threats. Holy shit, right?

"Here's to wealth and the shield it provides
us against accountability and consequence!"
-The very wealthy
Again, nothing's going to come from Heck's suggestion, not directly anyway. Like Trump isn't going to hear about it, see how his insane need for public approval and attention is causing nothing but strife and chaos and then resign with an apology for all the divisiveness his administration has visited upon the nation. He's going to ride this like Muad'Dib on the Shai Halud to wreck and ruin. Not his of course. Incredibly wealthy people are rarely held responsible-morally or financially-for their mistakes. Nope, the wreck and ruin will be ours, he'll just get a new TV show or something and fade into the crowd of former reality show stars.

Bummer, right? Yes. But at least we can laugh about it as Don Lemon and Denny Heck did when they fatalistically resigned themselves to where this will ultimately go:

Lemon:  "Are you calling on the President to resign?"
Heck:  "I think he should consider that. For the best interests of the country."
Lemon:  "Do you think that is a real possibility Congressman?"
Heck:  "No, not at all Don."
Lemon:  "Yeah..."
"Sorry, I was just choking on the suggestion that President Trump
would, at any point, consider the best interests of the country."
-Don Lemon, in desparate 
need of a glass of water

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