Well I hope you're happy football players, you've ruined Mike Pence's day. Yes, the Vice President
had to walk out of yesterday's football game in disgust. Disgust!
Pictured: just some of the millions of Americans who don't give a
shit about Mike Pence petulantly stomping out of the stadium. |
The White House released this statement enumerating the many ways in which football, as an institution, has let Mike Pence down:
Pictured: Mike Pence respecting
the shit out of America. There,
I bet you feel like a jerk now. |
"I left today's Colts game because President Trump and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem. At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve and resilience, now, more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that unites us. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem. I stand with President Trump, I stand with our soldiers and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem."
-Mike Pence, not taking a breath
Also I'm not sure they dignify
events by
showing up. In fact, it's kind of the opposite... |
Ok, couple of things...so I don't think you need to constantly capitalize the words 'flag' and 'national anthem.' I'm not disrespecting these things by saying that, I just went to school. Also, the suggestion here is that by using the national anthem as an opportunity to call attention to the epidemic of police violence that targets Black men, the players are politicizing football. Ok, I don't agree, but it's not completely out there. But then isn't the President asking the VP to walk out of the game also politicization? '
Cause he did, so...what else ya got?
Great, the whole dramatic walk out of the game was a stunt. A
stunt that cost us $242,500 in fuel and security according to CNN. Now who's the asshole? Oh, apparently it's us according to walking Trump apology
Kellyanne Conway who said:
Sorry, she doesn't so much apologize
for Trump as she does call us idiots
for not recognizing his genius. |
"To refer to someone who's standing up for the flag and all it represents to hundreds of millions of Americans and all it signals to the world, our veterans, our unity, the sounding of our great nation-to call that a political stunt is truly outrageous, egregious and offensive..."
-Kellyanne Conway on how
egregious we all are for seeing though
the administration's transparent stunt
To be clear: Mike Pence was asked by the President to fly to Indianapolis (at our expense), get offended, storm out of a football game and then like a middle school student writing a social studies essay, lecture the rest of us about what the Flag (caps his) means to him. So what I want to know is does the administration not get why nobody likes them? Because it's shit like this.
"Oh, and my only other regret is that Americans will
spend the next two hundred and fifty years being total
dicks to one another over who's more American."
-Nathan Hale
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