So last week the Department of Justice asked for-sorry, that's not the right word, they demanded in what I assume was a shrill, German accented screech that
Facebook turn over private information about thousands of users whom they feel are being mean to the President. And yes, I realize that by invoking Nazi-ism I instantly surrender the argument
but in my defense, this is like a super-fascistic thing to do and he did recently leap to the defense of literal Nazis so...
I know I keep harping on this point: but literal goddamn Nazis. |
So we're sliding into a fascistic, police
state because Trump is still butt-hurt
over his shitty Inauguration turn-out? |
Anyway, it goes like this: there's a Facebook page called DisruptJ20 run by activists who organized Inauguration Day protests. The Department of Justice is prosecuting some of the people who were arrested at these protests-presumably for crimes, but who knows? The warrants issued in connection with these investigations take the broad and super-invasive step of demanding any and all information private or otherwise Facebook has from the DisruptJ20 organizers as well as anyone who 'liked,' commented or followed the page.
What could they have against Trump? I mean
other than everything he's ever said or done? |
Holy shit, right? According to the warrants, the DOJ describes these people as
"...anti-administration activists who have spoken out at organized events, and who are generally very critical of this administration's policies."
-The Department of Justice
and apparently, irony
Ok, so maybe some of the people the Department of Justice is going after got violent at the protests or broke a law, but the DOJ has no reason to investigate the thousands of people who 'liked' the damn page. I mean, I'm not a lawyer, but speaking out at events and being critical of the administration's policies is legal. In fact, it's goddamn American. I mean, lot's of people are critical of the administration's policies.
Most Americans are critical of the administration which, to be clear, is entirely legal.
The DOJ is also requesting that Facebook add a new 'reaction' icon
which users can click when they suspect their friends of seditious activity.
(source: paranoia)
I suppose I shouldn't make fun of what
I guess must be a neurological condition. |
Again, not a lawyer, but I have seen like a ton of
Law and Order and I think this is called fishing. It's when the prosecution tries to collect evidence without going though the inconvenience of probable cause. The assumption here being that anyone who even liked DisruptJ20's page is guilty by association. Yikes. I mean, that's not cricket. And by 'not-cricket' I mean that is some fascist bullshit and the Trump administration, the DOJ and the GOP in general should be ashamed of know, if they were biologically capable of things like shame or human decency.
We can even make fun of his
stupid haircut. Because America. |
The good news is that
Facebook has fought and won against the DOJ gag-order preventing them from informing the DisruptJ20 people about the government's request-yeah, they wanted all this to happen in secret-and
the ACLU is already on trying to get the warrants quashed but goddamn, the point is the Administration shouldn't even be trying to get this information in the first place. Aside from the visual of the Administration using the Department of Justice to intimidate political enemies, it's bunk from the get go as it's entirely legal criticize the administration.
Yup, if you want to, you can refer to the President as an unqualified, unstable buffoon who's terrible at Presidenting. Just go for it. It's your right. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of anything more American than the right and responsibility to criticize an administration.
Except maybe trampling each other on Black Friday, that's
pretty American. Oh, shit, that's coming up again isn't it? |
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