Sunday, July 17, 2011

Geeks love things that end in '-logy.'

I had difficulty escaping the
gravity well of this display.
I've sort of been trying to ignore the fact that the new George R. R. Martin book was imminent but despite my best efforts I spotted A Dance With Dragons the other day at the bookstore. It is real, weighs a ton and one can actually exchange $35 dollars American for it. There upon the shelf it sat, mocking me with its gritty intrigue, ice zombies and hard to pronounce names, but I resisted for now. I almost don't want to read it, because I know it will be at least 2016 before the next one. What's even more daunting is that Martin is now saying that the one-time trilogy series might end up being 8 books instead of the current estimate of 7. Oy.

I sincerely hope 'octalogist'
isn't a profession.

So it's going to be an 'Octalogy.' At the rate we're going here and with the number of books being revised upwards, A Song of Fire and Ice may just be the first generational fantasy series. We'll pass the tradition of waiting for the next book on to our children and they to their children and only our remote descendants will live to see how it comes out. To them I give these words of wisdom by which to remember me: I was totally into this before it was cool.

"Ah yes Taylor, the final installment came out in 2798. It is known as A Picnic of Orcs and wraps up most of the major plot threads quite nicely. Although I do think he dropped the ball a little with Arya and the Fire Badgers." 

1 comment:

  1. *Yawn* It's an increasingly inaccurately named trilogy. SO been done before.

    Fire badgers? Nonsense, I don't believe they exist.
