For this most recent mass shooting, I'm going with kittens. If you're a puppy fan, I'm sure you won't have long to wait. |
Yeah, it's about guns. It's also about a persistent, seething hatred still harbored towards the LGBTQIA+ community. A hatred stoked by a political party running entirely on a platform of white Christian male victimhood, who preach that violence towards people who don't share your worldview is entirely justified. But it's also about guns. And the second thing. It's both. And when mass shootings happen, the Right shrieks about how people with an agenda are always politicizing tragedy, nothing changes, and then we just have more mass shootings.
How many lives would be saved if these assholes took up stamp collecting? |
And I mean, look, the common factor in all of these is guns. Thanks to an interpretation of the Second Amendment which is at best a stretch, and at worst an insane argument that someone in the 18th century could have possibly predicted a future in which automatic weapons sold at sporting goods stores and via an interconnected computer network would be used to massacre people by the dozens, it's just something we're supposed to live with. Because of a hobby. Like, it
is a hobby, right?
Although I worry that our treatment of bears could come back to bite us... |
I mean, the idea was that in a post-revolutionary war environment, white land owners wanted the right to defend their property from bears, or the British, or British bears, but we have an army now. And the British haven't tried to re-conquer us in like two hundred years. And even if they did, some idiot with a rapture bunker full of AR-15's isn't going to make a difference. What's the rationale here other than to shoot people? You don't buy a jet ski if you don't hope to use it someday. So what's the plan here?
I can think of three reasons people own guns and none of them are compelling enough to let this go on unchallenged. One: they want to practice marksmanship for the next civil war. Two: they want to sit in lawn chairs at polling places and intimidate people who want to vote for Democrats. Three: they want to carry out mass shootings.
Sorry, four reasons: I forgot about putting them in the hands of children while you pose for a Christmas card because you're a terrible person. |
Damnit, if only she had an garage full of automatic weapons... |
Yeah, I know I left out home defense, but what are the numbers on that? How many home invasions have been successfully repelled through the use of fire arms? Sure, it's not zero, but how many more guns have been involved in accidental shootings? Or deliberate shootings? On balance, the "right" to own whatever the hell kind of weapon in whatever the hell quantities someone wants with minimal requirements when it comes to background checks, or mental health evaluations, or training has directly resulted in dead people. Lots of dead people.
Look, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, and that there's nothing you or I can say that's going to change these people's minds. Unless...say, don't Republicans hate spending money? Because preparing for the increasingly likely event of an active shooter requires active shooter drills for kids, metal detectors at schools, clubs, and sporting events, not to mention the tax payer money spent on first responders. It adds up. Maybe we can finally reach them with a fiscal responsibility argument...
"First of all, I resent the implication that we Republicans care more about guns than we do about children. It's true, but I resent it. Secondly, yeah, we love money more than guns, so you do have a point there. It goes money, guns, Jack Reacher novels, complaining about woke, then kids."
-Kevin McCarthy, possibly coming around on it |
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