It's not just me, like, the Republican Party is just openly white nationalist now, right? I mean, sure, they keep telling us that they're totally not racist and that some of their best friends are Black, but when it comes time to denounce something like Tiki Nazis, or cops who murder people of color, or say an actual coup attempt, suddenly
all lives matter and it's really hard to pick out the non-white supremacists.
It's what you call load-bearing white nationalism. |
Spoiler alert. |
I bring this up because noted xenophobic, transphobic, racist, conspiracy nut Marjorie Taylor Greene
is starting The America First Caucus. It will, according to their flyer, "...promote Congressional policies that are to the long-term benefit of the American nation." Which, wait, I mean, yeah, that's what Congress does, right? It's the U.S. Congress, so of course American interests are--oh...wait, she means white people. Just white people...
You can read it for yourself, but just be prepared to shower afterwards. They start by talking about how they want to follow in Trump's footsteps which, I mean, did they watch some other disastrous four-year nightmare that ended in in MAGA goons
shitting on the Capitol?
They did. Like, actual poop. Smeared it on the walls. Like, you don't need hazmat suits to pick up "Stop the Steal" signs and empty Skoal canisters. |
Hey Congressman, do the kids still say "weird flex?" |
It goes on through a list of the right-wing greatest grievance hits of election fraud, state's rights, and Big Tech. Huh? Yeah, apparently Big Tech is anti-conservative and pro-pedophile. And I don't know, but is dropping accusations like that the best idea while a Republican Congressman is being investigated for statutory rape and sex trafficking? But sure, something something Facebook. Anyway, then we come to the section about immigration and how the America First Caucus is agin it. Here, check it out, and again, shower on standby:
Above: The Witenagemot. Just one of the many Anglo-Saxon political traditions America is so fond of. |
"America is a nation with a border, and a culture, strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions. History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country, particularly without institutional support for assimilation and an expansive welfare state to bail them out should they fail to contribute positively to the country."
-The America First Caucus, on what
history has shown (citation needed)
"No, we literally never think of Canada. It's kind of our whole thing."
-The America First Caucus |
Ok, so they're correct, we do have borders, but after that they kind of go off the rails. I'm not an expert, but the Anglo-Saxon period of Britain ended with the Norman Conquest, but I think they just trying to make the case that America is like, super-white, but hasn't history has shown that importing people en-mass is how there are so many white people here in the first place? Black people too, but something tells me that the America First Caucus is trying to gloss over that part. Also, an expansive welfare state? Are they...are they sure they're not thinking of Canada?
And not for nothing, but Marjorie Taylor Greene has spent her entire time in Congress flouting basic COVID precautions, spouting nonsense about how the election was stolen, and harassing trans people, so if anyone has failed to contribute positively to the country...
No, he didn't win, and also it goes over your nose. |
Anyway, the whole Caucus is just a white-people only club and needs to shut right the hell up, but my favorite, the most
are you even real with this? part is the infrastructure section:
Yeah, but the Romans were also big on slavery, bloodsports and crucifixion, so maybe they're not the best role-models? |
"The America First Caucus will work towards an infrastructure that reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture, whereby public infrastructure must be utilitarian as well as stunningly, classically beautiful, befitting a world power and a source of freedom. As the Romans demonstrated with aqueducts, walls and roads, function and beauty are not at odds."
-The American First Caucus, seen
here having opinions about aqueducts
Look, I love Corinthian columns as much as the next person, I really do, but holy shit, isn't there something better Congress could be doing with its time? Like, I don't know, holding hearings on kicking Marjorie Taylor Greene out? I mean, how racist does a caucus have to be to devote an entire section of their manifesto to which architectural style is the whitest?
"What are those, Queen Anne row houses? I suppose next you'll want free healthcare and reasonable gun legislation. This is America. It's Federal, Neoclassical, or get out."
-The America First Caucus |