It would take a King Ralph level catastrophe to make Harry King, so why put up with it? |
Not that anyone's asked me my opinion of Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex's interview with Oprah, but I don't really have an opinion. I mean, good for them for getting out of a toxic situation. Like, clearly there was something going on to drive the Duchess to thoughts of suicide. You don't just walk away from a gig that offers fame and fortune in exchange for the occasional carriage ride and a ribbon cutting at the mall. Do they have malls? Let's say they do.
The point is it's not nothing. Regardless of how you feel about Harry or Meghan or the idea of having all constitution authority flow from a single person based on who they had the good fortune to be related to, there's no reason to call someone a liar for coming out about their mental health issues. Huh...and guess I do have opinions.
One of those opinions is that monarchy is kind of absurd, but we did recently let an obnoxious reality TV host have first strike capability for four entire years knowing full well that he was unbalanced so... |
"Ere, right then, I've 'ah it. Some one call me a 'ackney, I'm 'eading back to me flat."
-Morgan, Britishly |
Anyway, where I'm going with all this is that Piers Morgan, who I gather is the British equivalent of a Bill O'Reilly or a Rush Limbaugh,
has quit his show,
Good Morning Britain. He petulant walked off the set the yesterday after his cohost suggested that he had a grudge against Markle, but it was his suggestion that the Duchess was being dishonest about her experiences that prompted Ofcom to open an investigation into his comments under their "harm and offense" rules. Ofcom is I guess something like our FCC, and has the power to revoke licenses.
Above: When they run Die Hard on cable they cut the "yippee-ki-yay line," so it's fine.
(source: our weird priorities) |
But yeah "harm and offense," right? In the U.S. the FCC rains down the full force and condemnation of the law upon anyone who broadcasts "offensive material." This was more of a thing before cable and definitely streaming services, but still, we're kind of a messed up culture that loves guns and violence, yet freaks out over nudity and the word "fuck." In Britain however, Ofcom has
rules that require factual programmes--that's I guess how they spell "program"--like, news shows or even certain talkshows, to not intentionally mislead audiences.
So for example, a news channel that, I don't know, I'm just making up hypothetical examples here, but let's say there's a news channel that perpetuates patent falsehoods about voter fraud. They might find themselves fined or have their license revoked.
I can't help but feel like those rules could have come in handy over the past twenty years or so... |
"But if I can't cause harm and offense, why am I even on television?"
-Piers Morgan, actual quote* |
Anyway, they also have enforceable rules against material that might cause offense, or subject people to discrimination and mental health advocates are saying that by diminishing and questioning Markle's honesty when it comes to her talking about how she had thoughts of suicide, Morgan was doing just that and his comments could arguably make others question seeking help for fear that they too might not be believed. Ofcom got forty-one thousands complaints about Morgan, which approaches a record for them, so...well done?
So I guess my question is how long before American conservatives latch on to this as an example of cancel culture silencing conservative voices? I mean, sure, this situation has nothing to do with the America, and Morgan voluntarily chose to resign. But Republicans are loosing their ever-loving minds over Potato Head and Dr. Seuss, so I'm sure we'll have to hear about this, what, later today?
Pictured: House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy sitting down to read Green Eggs and Ham to protest the COVID-relief bill because it didn't do enough to protect Dr. Seuss from being banned, which exactly no one is suggesting. At all.**
*no it's not.
**Oh, and also Republicans are the reason why the bill doesn't include an increase in the comically low Federal minimum wage which, unlike their bullshit outrage over Dr.. Seuss, is a real thing that people desperately need, but sure, let's talk about goddamn Green Eggs and Ham.