Shouldn't there be a law against the President saying things that aren't true? I'm not talking about classified national security things, or lying about an affair (although that is a dick move, no argument there). I'm talking about spouting demonstrably false, straight-up bullshit designed sell your gross policies to the people foolish enough to still support you. Shouldn't there be a rule about that?
"Hmm...I'm just thinking maybe we should put something in here about
holding government officials accountable when they deliberately mislead the
public in order to further their own agen-you know what? It's probably fine."
-The Framers of the Constitution
really dropping the ball on this one
Anyway, I'm referring to the administration's zero-tolerance policy which is, as we speak-well, as I type, resulting in American law enforcement rounding up children of illegal immigrants and sending them to detention camps. According to the President,
he doesn't want to do this, but the Democrats are forcing him to. You know, because of their avowed hatred of America. Oh, and the lame-stream media, they probably have something to do with this. And uh, I don't know, witch hunts? Hashtag sad. No collusion.
So here's the tweet where the President makes his case for voting out the Democrats who have forced-
forced-him to enforce that unpopular policy he came up with:
Like, I know this is a weird thing to get hung up on given
that he's just tweeting infuriating bullshit all the time, but does
he not know the rules of capitalization? I mean, can't he get an
aide or an intern or something who could help him out here? |
"Right here, but you left out sexual assault and fraud." |
First of all, fuck that. Of course it's not
their forced family breakup policy. It's not. What a sack of shit. Secondly, fuck that. He's like some grade school bully grabbing a nerdy kid's hand, striking them with it and then saying
stop hitting yourself. And then-huh? Ok, fine, it's not the best analogy. Instead of a ten year old beating up another ten year old, it's an old rich guy using the United States Government to traumatize children. But I think my point stands. And high taxes, high crime and obstruction? I mean, holy shit dude. Everyone currently under investigation for high crimes and obstruction please raise one leathery mitt?
So I guess what I want to know is why is anyone still into him? Well sure, racism, that explains a huge portion of the base, but also, and forgive me if this is a broad generalization, idiocy? I mean for real, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but here we are. Now, before you call me out on being unkind, keep in mind that Donald Trump thinks
they're idiots too. The only difference is that they, for whatever reason, aren't picking up on the fact that he's just saying what they want to hear.
So are they though? I'll give him loyal, they are inexplicably
loyal, but are they the smartest? Also, and again, I'm nitpicking,
but I think he meant to say 'country's history' not 'countries.' |
"Sure he's locking up kids, but Hillary's
emails or whatever. Benghazi!"
-Smart, loyal people
I mean, look, when I call them idiots, I'm being a smug liberal. I've learned to be comfortable with that. But when Trump asks-with no less smugness, that the country believe a transparent line of bullshit, like, say, '
I have to put children in detention camps because Democrats,' he's presupposing a seriously insulting level of stupid on the public's part. A level which unfortunately seems pretty spot on since his fans aren't abandoning him in droves which is what one would expect when someone puts children in detention camps. So what is it with him that let’s him get away with this politically unscathed?
-Me, after googling
'Trump commemorative plate'
I mean, he's not articulate, he's not charming. Am I missing something? Why do people continue to support him? Has he taken their families hostage? And speaking of hostages, if I'm following his line of tweets, this only became the Democrats' fault when the public outcry started. Then suddenly the Democrats won't work with the GOP so he
has to do this and the only way it will stop is to vote for more Republicans and give him what he wants. So like, where does that end? A border wall? Even more racist immigration laws? His picture on some kind of commemorative plate? Because putting Trump on a commemorative plate would undermine the credibility of commemorative plates as a...a...
Like, since when do we negotiate with hostage-takers? I mean, how about instead of rolling over, we end the lock-ups, let these kids out of child-jail and then see if we can approach immigration reform like grown-ups without the all the lying and finger pointing?
Oh...right...forgot who we were dealing with here. |