Hey, do you know what really flies in the face of the oft-repeated gun nut argument that it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun?
This. Which if you didn't click, is just a link to the story of this weekend's Club Q shooting in which the shooter was prevented from murdering even more people by a couple of bystanders. Bystanders who I suppose are no longer bystanders the moment they tackled an armor clad gunman.
I think that makes them Batman, who also famously doesn't carry a gun. |
Pictured: a gun enthusiast seen here being full of shit. |
kid? I don't know, he's only twenty-two, and that's pretty young, but then, I'm an old. My point is that these bystanders turned gunkid-to-the-ground-tacklers were unarmed. As in without firearms. Unarmed and yet somehow courageous enough to put themselves in harm's way to save others. Again, without guns. Which suggests to me, I don't know, that maybe the NRA's conflation of heroics and gun ownership/brandishing, is misguided. Or, what's another way to say it? Full of shit?
Above: wusses. Giant, angry wusses, who put on body armor and guns to go whine about how tough it is being white dudes. |
I don't have any startling insight on the subject or really even anything new to say. I just wanted to say out loud--well, type out load--the idea that guns don't make people heroic. In fact, I think the opposite is more often the case. And look, I'm not saying anything about cops or soldiers when I say that. Cops and soldiers are professionals (one hopes) and that's different. What I'm talking about is people, just regular people who--out of fear or anger or both--just make guns and being armed a part of their everyday life.
Anyway, all of this to say next time some dumb idiot parrots that good guy with a gun/bad guy with a gun nonsense, we should remind them that all it took was a couple of brave and unarmed randos in a gay club to bring down this kid and his guns.
The only thing more guns brings to an active shooter situation--particularly in a darkened nightclub--is the possibility of crossfire. |
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