Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Mountain folk no more!

Pictured: the stunning natural
beauty I'm so sick of.
So I'm moving to Santa Cruz, which, if you recall, is where I've been saying I live, but it's not, it's a lie. You see, this area is, for reasons passing understanding expensive. Like, New York City expensive, but without all the character, energy, and cool things to do. Don't get me wrong, Santa Cruz is perfectly lovely, it's just that due to exorbitantly hight rents, I have to live twenty minutes outside town in the Santa Cruz mountains which is...well it's nature. And I'm not a particular fan of nature. Like, I would prefer that it exists, I just don't want to live in it. 

Yeah, I'm the worst. Anyway, after nine years of power outages, insect bites, and tree limbs crashing down from above, I'm out of here and into Santa Cruz proper. 
Pictured: the aforementioned natural beauty, seen here taking
out the power lines and blocking the only way out of our street.
Above: unmitigated gall.
It's not like they're making more coast.But then an apartment cropped up that costs more or less what I'm overpaying now, but has a room for food preparation that's separate from where I sleep. In my hunt for a new place to live, I encountered a shocking number of places where the owner threw a mini fridge and a microwave into a closet and called it a kitchen. They then had to unmitigated gall to ask two thousand dollars a month. Can you imagine? The cheek ofit. But that's scarcity for you. Everyone want's to live by the sea and it's not like they're making more coastline. 

Oh, sorry, I'm getting tedious again. Blaming everything on capitalism, but in my defense, it is capitalism's fault. Oh well. I shouldn't be complaining. Railing against the evils of the unfettered capitalism that's been destroying the country for the past forty years, and ensuring that mine and every generation to come will be crushed by corporate feudalism, sure, but not complaining. Anyway, if you're free on Saturday, want to help me move?
Pictured: that time Reagan ruined everything forever.

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