Thursday, October 7, 2021

Today in selective, militia-related amnesia:

Chad are you...are you sure you're not
ashamed of it? Like, not even a little?
I'm not sure what's more alarming, the fact that Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco was a member of The Oath Keepers, or that he forgot about it until now, or that he's not sorry about it--wait, no, definitely that one. He told the Los Angeles Daily News:

"I'm not ashamed of what I did."

-Sheriff Chad Bianco, about a
shameful thing he did

"Yer gonna have to take my
lightsaber outta my cold dead hands."
-Some lightsaber nut
But he probably should be, is the thing. Ashamed I mean. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists The Oath Keepers as the country's largest right-wing anti-government organization. The group, who've dubbed themselves "Guardians of the Republic" like they're a bunch of goddamn Jedi Knights with persecution complexes, were founded because a black guy was elected President and fragile white dudes who love guns felt threatened and formed a militia about it. The group has something like 35,000 members, mostly former military and law enforcement, which is weird, because both of those are like, government jobs.

I'm uh...I'm pretty sure that we
didn't misunderstand these people.
But apparently we've got it all wrong. According to Bianco, that extremist group he joined that one time is super misunderstood and he is sick and tired of the media portraying all armed right-wing militia groups as anti-government when really all they are trying to do is protect our freedoms. You know, by arming themselves and then storming the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the election results. But of course Bianco doesn't agree with the people who tried to pull a coup on January 6th insisting that what they did "was wrong and against the law..."

"Oh no! They got us!"
-no one on the left
And that's super, but the Oath Keepers were like 100% on board with the coup attempt and are super pissed that it didn't work, so like, what else ya got Chad? Oh, Antifa. So Sheriff Bianco, in defending his former militia group which again, he totally doesn't remember joining for a year, asked why similar scrutiny wasn't applied to groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Because like any conservative when called out on their shitty worldview, Chad's first instinct is to try and turn the tables. 

Note the distinct lack of assault
rifles and attempts to stage a
coup d'etat at this BLM rally.
Except Antifa isn't really a group, it's just anyone who's anti-fascist which should be all of us, right? And Black Lives Matter is a social movement and while there are organizations that are part of it, they're not, you know, trying to overturn election results by force. BLM is just trying to get law enforcement officers, like Chad Bianco, to stop murdering black people. So yeah, I guess the short answer to why no one is treating Antifa and BLM like domestic terrorists is because, unlike The Oath Keepers, they aren't domestic terrorists.

I mean, c'mon, that guy's even wearing
an Oath Keepers hat. They've got merch.
Just so we're clear: the Sheriff of Riverside County, California, once joined an anti-government militia group and then forgot that he joined an anti-government militia group, but then when it came out that he joined an anti-government militia group, he claimed that it wasn't really all that anti-government even though it tried to overthrow the government as recently as ten months ago, but why are we even talking about that while BLM and Antifa are allowed to roam free? Have I got all that right?

Cool. Ok, I don't live in Riverside County, but this is California and because of our preposterous system, we were recently put through a recall election that could easily have ended with the sitting governor being replaced by someone with like, 11% of the vote, all because dumbs didn't want to wear masks during a pandemic. Are we saying that the people of Riverside County can't recall a Sheriff with selective amnesia who used to belong to a terrorist group? Because that seems like a valid use of a recall system.
"What? I can't possibly be expected to remember all
the right-wing, anti-government militia groups I join."
-Sheriff Chad Bianco

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