Thursday, July 1, 2021

Yet we keep falling for it...

So now can we please abolish the filibuster, pass HR-1 in the Senate, and then appoint four new Supreme Court Justices? 

-The Supreme Court

Thanks Obama...
I ask because the current Court just upheld two shitty Arizona laws that were to make it easier for Republicans to win. Both today's rolling and a 5-4 ruling back in 2013 have rendered most of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 moot. That law was passed because certain states--ok, mostly southern states--can't be trusted not to pass restrictive voting laws designed to keep non-white people from voting. In 2013, the Court was like, "Oh, we have a Black President, so racism: over." But was it?

Pictured: Southern States promising
not to disenfranchise minorities.
No, obviously it was not because Republicans immediatly went back to passing restrictive voting laws designed to keep non-white people from voting. Because of course they did. Because they are huge fucking liars and they always to this. One of their lawyers, Micheal Carvin, actually argued for upholding the ban on turning in ballots to other precincts because "it puts us at a competitive disadvantage relative to Democrats. Politics is a zero sum game." Which, I mean, what an asshole. It's not supposed to a game much less a zero sum game. It's supposed to be Democracy. 

Ok, Mitch McConnell helped...  
Except they make it a zero sum game. Both today's and the 2013 rulings were along party lines. 5-4 in 2013 and 6-3 in 2021. Why the shift? It's not that Americans have become more Republican, it's because Republicans gamed the electoral college and Donald Trump won despite losing the popular vote by three million votes. Put another way, a reality-tv star whom most of us never voted for, appointed three Justices-- for life--who just made it harder to vote Republicans out of office. 

So yeah. Could we please abolish the filibuster, pass HR-1, and then appoint four new Supreme Court Justices? Because if we don't, its Republicans all the way down, forever. 

Sure, we all love bipartisanship, but when the twin planks of the
Republican platform are "Trump won the election" and "we will block
the President's agenda at all costs," it's actually ok to go around.

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