Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mike Lindell: purveyor of fine bedding and white persecution complexes

Holy shit, did Mike Lindell
just invent the internet?
Brace yourselves my fellow liberal snowflakes, because the American right will soon have an online forum where they can say anything they want. Anything, except some things, but we'll get to that. The important thing is that they can say anything. They'll be able spew any crackpot theory, incite any riot, or even go on any hate speech screed they want and no one can stop them. All this thanks to Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy who one time helped come up with the bail money to get noted murderer/right wing folk hero Kyle Rittenhouse out of jail. 

Pictured: some of the social media
platforms Frankspeech isn't like. is a Lindell's new social media platform for conservatives. Here's what he had to say about it--apparently in a single take, if you can believe it, and I can--in a video on the platform's site:

"Hello everyone, welcome to This is going to be a platform like no other, it's kind of like a YouTube/Twitter combination."

-Mike Lindell, illustrating how his new platform
is unlike any other platforms by likening it to
two other platforms to which it is similar

He went on to to haltingly and word-saladingly explain how Frankspeach isn't going to let The Man shut you down while you talk about how great it was when we all had to use different water fountains based on our skin tone:

Huh, I think I see why these
two get along so well. 
...everything's going to be the most secure, we're going to be able to handle the seca-the capacity-your infer-your everything's going to the most secure, we're not going to be able to-we're going to be attacked, but I have my own servers, everything. We're not going to be worried about Amazon taking it down or Youtube, or Google, or Apple and we are going to get our voice of free speech out there. 

-Lindell, sticking 
up for the overdog

That's right, totally free speech. Unless of course you use any of two specific swear words, one specific racial slur, or take the Lord's name in vein. So it's not completely free speech, but's restrictions are totally different from say Twitter or Facebook's because, um, because conservatives. I guess. Oh, and you can't make death threats. So, that's thoughtful...and exactly like other social media platforms.
Thoughtful, but likely to limit Frankspeech's appeal to conservatives,
whose worldview is mostly based on making death threats. What? It is.
Pictured: the silent majority seen here
being neither silent, nor a majority.
Finally, right? For far too long now, the American political right has been silent, I mean, you know, except for the all that racist, transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, jingoistic, xenophobic horseshit they've been screeching about for decades on social media, Fox News, talk radio and really everywhere. But other than that, they've been silent. Silent that is except for at rallies and protests. And the four years of the Trump presidency and then the subsequent and deadly coup attempt; a riot of which Mike Lindell himself has been a vocal supporter. 

But basically silent. Although they are leveraging their exaggerated power they hold in Congress to solidify their power through voting restrictions and gerrymandering. Oh, and did I mention the three judges a guy who lost the popular vote got to appoint to the Supreme Court? For life? But in every other way, conservatives in America are totally the victims. It's getting to the point where they can't even incite violence or proclaim the superiority of white people without someone kicking them off Twitter. Eventually. And after the fact. 

The point is, it's about time they had a voice and if anyone can give them one, it's that legend of white persecution complexes, Mike "That Pillow Guy" Lindell.
Wait, does he know anything about starting a social media platform? 
I mean, he just sells pillows. And kind of shitty ones judging by
the review and-you know what? I'm sure the skills are transferable. 

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