Monday, May 25, 2020

Does he...does he not know what a virus is?

Fine, not just the south. It's the north,
the west, really anywhere white
people start feeling unappreciated. 
Who? Who do you think? The President. I'm asking because this. It's a story about how the President is threatening to move the Republican convention our of Charlotte, North Carolina. But wait, Republicans and the south go to gather like white and racism. Why would they-what? I know it's not just the-oh don't look at me like that. The point is, why would the President want to upset voters in a state he won in 2016? Well, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat, isn't able to guarantee that there won't be limit on the number of people allowed to attend large events by the end of August when the convention is scheduled.

Which, on the one hand, I'd be relived not to have a swarm of be-MAGA-hatted goons descend on my city, but given the economic boon that is a political convention Governor Cooper can't possibly be making the decision lightly.
Although, do you have any idea how difficult it is
to get misogyny out of stadium seat upholstery?
"Why Trump? I guess I really admire
his hotheaded, reckless anger and
generally lack of accountability."
-Trump supporters, evidently
Trump took a break from golf to bloviate on Twitter:

"Unfortunately, Democrat Governor [sic] still in Shutdown moon & unable to guarantee that by August we will be allowed full attendance in the Arena...(Republicans) must be immediately given an answer by the Governor as to whether or not the space will be allowed to be fully occupied. If not, we will be reluctantly forced to find...another Republican National Convention site."

-Donald Trump, still unclear that 
Democrat is a noun not an adjective

Pictured: not Governor Roy Cooper.
First of all, he doesn't need to capitalize "shutdown" or "Arena." Second of all, Governor Cooper isn't saying there will be limits on crowds in August, he's saying he doesn't know what the situation is going to be like then and that he's unwilling to make the call more than three months out. Which is completely reasonable. And this isn't, as the President suggests, because he's a Democrat. Again, the convention really does mean jobs and money for the state. It's because he's not a goddamn clairvoyant. And neither is Donald Eleven Bankruptcies Trump.

So why are we even having this conversation? Between this, his insane refusal to wear a mask when interacting with people and last weekend's bizarre, Constitution-defying suggestion/direction/demand that churches go ahead and hold services regardless of state orders, I'm genuinely beginning to think that he doesn't know what a virus is. Like, I think he thinks if he tweets hard enough it will just go away.
Pictured: The coronavirus, seen here being destroyed by sheer,
stubborn refusal to take reasonable precautions and pure MAGA-rage.
(source: no science I've ever seen)

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