Sunday, September 24, 2017

In further fireable offenses...

"Allow me to reiterate: 'he lept
to the defense of literal Nazis."

-Hill, still not wrong
So remember a couple weeks ago when Sarah Sanders called for the firing of ESPN Host Jemele Hill for calling the President a white supremacist just because he panders to white supremacists and doesn't call them out for all their white supremacy bullshit? You don't? Well she did. And it was arguably itself a fireable offense, because people who work for the government aren't supposed to be using their positions to get private citizens fired from their jobs. Also, Hill was exercising her right to criticize the President. Also Hill wasn't wrong.

"He's fired! Remember? Because that's
my catch phrase? You're fired? Very
funny. I'm a very funny President."
Also, holy shit it's somehow getting worse. The President at a campaign rally-yes, despite being the president, he's still having campaign rallies-anyway, at a campaign rally Trump said this of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick:

"Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He's fired. He's fired!"

-President Trump at a-hang on, he knows 
he's not the President of Football, right?

Above: less of a concern to the
administration are the literal
Nazis now marching on our streets.
Yikes. So what's that all about? Kaepernick is one of many pro sports players who go down on one knee during the singing of the National Anthem before a game. It's in protest to frequent killing of African Americans by law enforcement which is a thing that happens. In America. But apparently Kaepernick's reminding everyone of the epidemic of police brutality and unwarranted killing directed almost exclusively at black men is bumming out racists and Trump has had enough. 

I honestly don't know
how football works...
In addition to the President of the United States referring to a private citizen as a 'son of a bitch' for calling attention to a national crisis of racially motivated killings by police, he's calling for said private citizen to be fired. What the shit? Surely he'd take the first opportunity to walk his comments back and explain-nope, I guess he's just going to lean into them. And on National Football Day of all days. Sorry, I'm not a sports person, today's National Football Day, right?

Here. Enjoy another of the President's rational, well thought out tweets:
Or maybe police could stop shooting unarmed Black men?
"These players should honor cherished
American values like shutting up and
not standing up to societal injustice."
-Pretty much what he's saying
Yup, now Americans are supposed to boycott football. Unless of course they hate America. But I'm sure the question on your mind is what does the Treasury Secretary thing about all this? Don't worry, Stephen Mnuchin's got you covered:

"This isn't about Democrats. It's not about Republicans. It's not about race; it's not about free speech. The can do free speech on their own time. This is about respect for the military and first responders and the country."

-Stephen Mnuchin on-wait, but it is- yes, it is 
about-hang on, everything he said here is wrong

Ok, couple things. Of course this is goddamn about race and of course this is about goddamn free speech. And this is the players own time. The eyes of millions of sports fans are on them and know exactly why their kneeling. That's the point. To confront America with a serious problem that's not getting better. Also, Stephen Mnuchin is the Treasury Secretary, shouldn't he be criticizing other people's protests of institutionalized racism and murder on his own time? Yeah, burn. 
Above: A wealthy, white former hedge fund manager chiming in on how
Black people should keep their opinions about police violence to themselves.

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