"Our party has to choose. We can either be loyal to Donald Trump of we can be loyal to the constitution, but we cannot be both."
-Representative Liz Cheney, the closest
thing the GOP has to a conscious
"Hey, she's right!"
-literally not a single Republican |
Pictured: Trump supporters, trying to overturn the election. Because patriotism, or something. |
That was Liz Cheney on Face the Nation the other day, making a plea to her fellow Republicans to snap the fuck out of it. A plea that apparently is falling on deaf--sorry, I was going to say deaf ears, but in addition to being ableist, the phrase also suggests an inability to hear something whereas I have no doubt that the banana-town fringe can
hear reason, they just don't care. They simply won't except that dear leader was voted out or that the GOP's treasonous attempt to keep him in power was anything but a twenty-first century Boston Tea Party.
Also, the pandemic is still a thing that is happening. |
Or overblown. Or, and this is my favorite: an elaborate hoax carried out by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and I don't know, the lizard people who live in the hollow Earth. And despite Trump's defeat, it's been a stress-filled year of sleeping poorly, and flying into rants about things over which I have no control, and it's entirely because of these people. Every time I read some bullshit Marjorie Taylor Green spouted or see another article about Republicans taking over another local election board, I can feel my joints tense up into pre-arthritic stress claws.
Above: goons, seen here walling in their delusional gooney. |
I don't usually make New Year's resolutions because they're dumb, but my resolution this year was to be less tense all the time. And it's not easy because these people are still out there, being batshit. There are Republicans calling for calm, but it's like two of them against the headwinds of gun-humping white nationalism. I suspect there more of them, but they're all too cowed by the constituency of red-hatted goons and the inexplicable popularity of a sexual assault enthusiast who twice lost the popular vote.
So what are we supposed to do? Hope that calmer, more rational voices on the Right prevail? Reach out to them with kindness and understanding? Because calling them red-hatted goons and gun-humpers--while accurate and satisfying--doesn't seem to be working.
"Hey guys, we know you're upset about the election, but toppling democracy isn't the answer. Have you tried not being violent, ignorant thugs?"
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