To be clear, no, of course he wouldn't be immune to prosecution if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. Also, what's with Republicans and shooting people? It's like they just love murder. Or something. Wait, do they love murder? Because that would explain a lot.
"Of course we do. We're sociopaths.
Are you just getting that now?"
-Mitch McConnell
(actual quote)
Pictured: George III, our last king who,
incidentally was not allowed free murders. |
Anyway, I mention this because the President's personal lawyer, William S. Consovoy,
argued today in New York that as the sitting President, Trump basically has the starman power-up from Super Mario Bros. and can do anything,
literally anything up to and including murder someone in public. Which, I mean, didn't we fight an entire war to get rid of a constitutional monarchy? We did. And the plan was never to replace it with an absolute one with blanket immunity. And this in a hearing over a subpoena over Trump's financial records issued by New York Prosecutors looking into his hush money payments.
But for real, can we get a psych eval? |
And look, I'm not a constitutional scholar or anything, but no. No. The line must be drawn here. The reason there's any question as to the indict-ability of a sitting president is that up to now, presidents either haven't been so blatantly criminal that we needed to talk about it, or if they were they were way better at hiding their crimes. If Trump just lost it one day...ok, if he further lost it, and started waving a gun around I'm pretty sure he'd be wrestled to the ground by his own security detail and hauled away for a psych evaluation.
Because cookies are for presidents
who don't violate the emoluments clause. |
And ok, obviously Donald Trump isn't going to just up murder someone on the street-at least I don't think he's going to who can say? But whatever, his lawyer's strategy here is seems to be based around
hey, at least he didn't kill someone. Which, I mean, is anyone else uncomfortable with that being the bar? Are we...we we supposed to be grateful that he didn't kill someone and just look the other way when it comes to the hush money and by extension all the other crimes he's committed? Sorry, allegedly. Does he want a cookie?
So up at the top there I may have claimed that the Mitch McConnell quote about how he and all Republicans are sociopaths is something he actually said. I'm going to stand by that quote. Not because it's real, because objective truth is dead as evidenced by the fact that we're still talking about whether or not Donald Trump has free rein to murder people.
Hey, remember that time Bill Clinton lied about an affair and
the Republicans lost their ever-loving shit? Well, they don't. |
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