Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Today in temporary reprieves:

"Yeah, well, just wait 'till 2024..."
-the guy who joked about hitting
Nancy Pelosi with a hammer
Well, that could have gone much worse. I mean, it's not over, and I'm sure the people who brought us an actual coup attempt have got something up their sleeve, but I'm given to understand that the Democratic Party did pretty good. Particularly with an unpopular President and a shitty economy and high gas prices and inflation--which, people know the President doesn't have like a button he can press to make groceries cheaper, but just chooses not to, right? Anyway, America is still kind of a democracy. For another two years anyway.

"After thirty or forty years, you get used to it."
-The woman we voted for
I avoided the news all day yesterday not wanting to spiral out every time a race was called for a Republican. I did pretty well too, only waking up three times with nightmares about the Red Wave everyone was sure was coming. I guess I'm still traumatized by that time Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the presidency, and then most of us voted for her, but then she wasn't the president because of some system set up two hundred years ago to make underpopulated rural states feel appreciated.

Wait, is that irony, or just perjury?
Speaking of, is anyone else having a rage aneurism--a rageurism, if you will--over the irony of a Supreme Court that was able to strike down affirmative action only because a guy who won the electoral college but not the popular vote got to appoint three hard-right judges? Oh, and speaking of irony, remember when those same three judges all said in their hearings that Roe v. Wade was settled law, and then dismantled the constitutional right to an abortion at like, the first opportunity? 
Oh well, I guess we should be--well grateful isn't the word--relieved? God, is that where we are now? Just happy to still have a democracy? Anyway, I guess we should be relieved that yesterday's midterms have shown us that we Americans aren't going to stand for the misogyny, transphobia, and white supremacy of the right. Except for some of us...who are evidently fine with it. And others who live in districts so outrageously gerrymandered that the GOP could run a cactus, an actual cactus* and still win in a landslide. 
"I'm a cactus voter. Always have been, always will be."
-John, the entire population of
Texas's 13th congressional district
*yes, the cactus is white

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