Friday, June 25, 2021

It's only indoctrination when liberals do it.

" need to have a true contest of ideas, students should not be shielded from ideas and we want a robust First Amendment speech on our college and university campuses."

-Florida Governor Rick DeSantis, 
somehow without a hint of irony
It's not sure it's a true contest of ideas when you're threatening budget cuts
for universities that don't align with your political ideology, but what do I know?

"For many years, Black Americans got to
have their own neighborhoods, army units and
 even water fountains. Those lucky ducks!"
-Florida textbooks
This after signing three bills designed to fight indoctrination in Florida schools. One of these bills, HB5, requires K-12 curriculums to teach a class about the horrors of communism and the wonders of America's spotless and perfect history of freedom for everybody. Now, I know what you're thinking: America actually kept millions of people enslaved for the first 150 years of its existence, killed or forcibly relocated entire populations of Native Americans, and placed 120,000 Japanese Americans in interment camp during the Second World War. And you'd be right. Our history is...nuanced.

Fortunately, young Floridians won't ever hear about any of that, since DeSantis recently signed another piece of legislation banning critical race theory from schools, leaving HB5 free to indoctrinate kids into-sorry, did I say indoctrinate? 

"Whoa, whoa, it's only indoctrination when liberals do it."
-DeSantis, not even trying anymore
"Wooo! Mandate school prayer! 
Unfettered capitalism forever! Wooo!"
-Florida's youth
Obviously, in banning of critical race theory and instituting a curriculum explicitly designed to instill in Florida's students the acceptance of a set of beliefs about American awesomeness, without question or criticism, HB5 and the other, similar bills devised by the GOP and signed by DeSantis, are exactly the literal definition of indoctrination. And I mean literal literally. As in, it's in dictionary. It's just that this is an indoctrination that they prefer and one that they hope will help their shitty, hate-filled worldview catch on with the youth. And if it doesn't, they'll just make it even harder for college kids to vote. 

"We'll allow a broad spectrum of political 
views. From Far Right to Ultra right and
 everything in between. We're a big tent."
-DeSantis, magnanimously
But wait, it gets even more fascist-y. DeSantis also signed another billHB233, that will require colleges and universities to survey their faculty and students in order to ensure "intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity." The bill defines this as "exposing the students, faculty, and staff to, and the encouragement of their exploration of, a variety of ideological and political perspectives." Which is weird given they they also just passed a bill requiring students to learn how evil communism is and one banning discussing racism. And by weird I mean transparently hypocritical, so that tracks.

Pictured: rank and file conservatives
who buy into a narrative of persecution
promulgated by a crooked real-estate
developer turned one-term president.
Hey, you don't suppose that this isn't really about intellectual freedom? Like, that maybe this is actually about racists and nationalists taking advantage of rank and file conservatives who buy into a narrative of persecution promulgated by a crooked real-estate developer turned one-term president, to try and halt and perhaps even reverse the momentum against them and their morally bankrupt leadership? Like that maybe this is just another desperate grasp at power and relevancy in a world that is moving away from thier violent, white supremacist bullshit?

Because I do. And do you know how I know? Two things. First, the Governor's suggestions that this results of the surveys could have an impact on a school's funding. And second the GOP's relentless passing of legislation that they're not even pretending is about anything other than improving their chances with an electorate that wants them gone. 

The Republican Party:
The oppressive, dead ideology of the!

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