Monday, January 4, 2021

Today in legitimizing the crackpots:

Pictured: the party of Lincoln.
I guess we're going to watch a bunch of Republicans bludgeon to death whatever faith anyone had left in democracy in order to appease the petulant man-child they let hijack their party. Like thirty GOP representatives and eleven Senators are going to object to Joe Biden's seven million vote margin of victory on the grounds that Trump lost and they'd prefer that he didn't lose, even though he totally did and everybody knows it and do they seriously not have more pressing concerns right now?

Hey, you know who did win
a Presidential popular vote...
The soon to be-ex Vice President has now said that he "welcomes the efforts of members of the House and Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence before Congress and the American people on January 6th." The lawmakers are calling for an investigation into all the voter fraud that crackpots on Parler have been shrieking about ever since Donald Trump lost the popular vote-sorry, the second time he lost the popular vote. Yeah, you and I have both won the same number of popular presidential elections.

Yeah, but there's only one of him
and 330 million of us. So, let's get'em.
Anyway, I don't believe for a second that these Republicans actually believe the nonsense they're spouting. They're just cynically exploiting the ignorance of their supporters which is pretty on-brand for them. Like, where would the party be if they hadn't spent the last forty years convincing the gullible people that supply side economics would lead to prosperity and not say, crushing and inescapable debt, unaffordable health care, and Jeff Bezos making double the average median household income per minute. No, really

I mean that metaphorically. Although
I wouldn't put a literal one past him either.
And until today, I wasn't even sure that Trump actually believes that he won. I mean, I wouldn't put it past him to be capable of that kind of self-delusion, but I also think it's just as likely that he's trying to leave a political upper-decker before he leaves the White House. But then I read that he called up Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and asked him to just say that he won--which again, he didn't. Holy shit, yes, the sitting President just asked a state attorney general to lie about the results. 

Does he...does he not
know how voting works?
Like, it's pretty cut an dry. Just...just look at this:

"So look, all I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won that state."

-The actual President 
attempting an actual coup

But if he needs 11,780 votes, wouldn't that mean that he didn't-you know what? Never mind. 

Look, there's no reasoning with these people. But their claims are baseless and batshit and they need to accept the fact that the worst president we've ever had lost the election because more Americans wanted him gone than didn't. So I suppose what I'm saying is that maybe humoring them isn't the best idea either...

Because if there's one thing you want to do with
crackpots, it's legitimize their bonkers claims.

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