Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Steve King of Kings

Look, I'm not particularly religious and don't consider myself especially versed in Christian philosophy, but I'm pretty sure that Iowa Congressman and noted white supremacy fan Steve King should probably stop comparing himself to Jesus.
Wait, there was only the one guy called Jesus in the Bible, right?
I mean, there isn't a chance he's thinking of some other
Jesus, like maybe one who ranted about immigrants?
It's getting harder and harder to give
 people like King the benefit of the doubt.
Like, they can't all have brain damage.
I say this because the Congressman recently likened the criticism he's faced for being such an...what's the word? Unabashed white supremacist? No, unrepentant. He's likened the criticism he's faced for being an unrepentant white supremacist to that time Roman soldiers tortured and then crucified Jesus. Because, same, same, right? Here's what he said in his own words, which-can he even hear himself or do you suppose there's some kind of brain trauma at work here? Anyway, here's the galling nonsense what fell out of his idiot hole the other day:

Pictured: Jesus being led to the-
wait, no, sorry, that's Steve King.
"And when I had to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives and look up at those 400-and-some-accusers-you know, we've just passed through Easter and Christ's Passion-and I have a better insight into what He went through for us, partly because of that experience."

-Representative Steve King of Iowa 
on how being stripped of his committee 
assignments makes him basically Jesus

Those "400-and-some-accusers" took issue with comments King made in a January interview when he asked: "White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization-how did that language become offensive?"
At a guess I'd say it happened around the time Europeans
started exterminating and enslaving people who weren't them?
But for real, make better choices, Iowa.
Look, I don't want to tell the super-religious, Trump-loving evangelicals of the Hawkeye state how to cast their votes-well, ok, if I'm being honest I do, but it's not like they're not going to listen to me. But what I'm getting at is shouldn't Steve King comparing himself to Jesus hurt him? Politically I mean? I mean, look what happened to the Beatles. Obviously the Republican party has made peace with being the party of Nazis and that's...well that's a whole 'nother thing, but I thought they drew the line at religious stuff?

Like, Steve King just suggested that being called out as a racist for pining for the good ol'days when a man could put on a white hood and go burn a few churches down, is basically the same thing as the Crucifixion; the defining religious moment for two billion Christians. Shouldn't the people of Iowa be, I don't know, running him out on a rail or something? Isn't that still a thing in the midwest?
Sorry, that probably sounded elitist and anti-midwesterner,
but I mean, they do keep electing this guy. Like nine times.

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